Family Time

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I woke up to Ryan getting out of bed to tend to Caleb, who was crying in his bassinet. I rolled onto my back stretching and yawning, watching Ryan pick up Caleb and take him to the changing table to be changed.

"You're getting so big, buddy." Ryan said with a smile on his face. "You'll be walking in the next month or two." He laughed.

"It'll still be too early for him to walk by then." I said tiredly.

"Oh, I didn't know you were awake." He looked at me, a small smile on his lips and he turned his attention back to Caleb, who was now making cooing sounds.

"I just woke up when you got out of bed." I rolled onto my side and cuddled up to the blanket. "He is getting really big though." I said, pouting my lip.

"He's almost two months old," Ryan said lifting Caleb's legs to put a clean diaper on him. I watched him as he strapped the diaper, pulled Caleb's onesie back down, snapping it and then putting his sleeper on the rest of the way. "and he's getting so much hair. It's growing so fast."

Ryan brought Caleb over to the bed I sat up to take him.

"Hi buddy," I smiled down at Caleb and he stared back up at me with his eyes opened wide and his mouth in an O shape. "you look like your daddy." 

"Which one?" Ryan said as he was walking toward the bedroom door. He turned around with a smile on his face.

"You obviously," I laughed. "you're cuter than I am."

"Okay, who gave you drugs?" I rolled my eyes as Ryan smiled and left the bedroom with Caleb's bottle in his hand.

"Your daddy is silly." I said to Caleb. He started to coo and look around the room. I watched him as he watched everything else, not that there was much to look at, but he was so interested in everything. I wonder what he would think about the disco ball lights.

I got up with him in my arms and walked across the room to my dresser and I turned it on. Caleb's eyes opened ever wider and he watched the different colors as they moved around the room. I smiled and walked back to the bed to sit down.

"Why's that on?" Ryan asked coming back into the room.

"I just wanted to see how Caleb would react to it." I looked over at Ryan just as he got close to the bed and handed me Caleb's bottle. "His eyes got big."

"Does he like it?"

"I think so. He's watching the lights move." 

Ryan sat down next to me and I fed Caleb as he continued to watch the colored lights move all around the bedroom.


"Well I'm sorry for getting the wrong ones," Ryan said through the phone. "maybe if you would have come with me like I asked you to, you wouldn't have had to go back." I roll my eyes and walk down the aisle that has all the baby things.

"I told you six times to get size one diapers Ryan. Six times." I had to go to the customer service desk and return the newborn size that he bought. "I'll see you in a few."

"Okay," he sighed. "Leave the attitude at the store when you leave. I love you."

"Yeah, love you too." I hung up before he could say bye and I grabbed a pack of diapers, the right size, and walked back down the aisle just to run into someone and I dropped the diapers and they dropped whatever was in their hands.

"I'm so sorry," I started to bend down slowly because my incision is still sore. "here let me get that for you." His voice was familiar and when I looked at him, I felt a tug at my heart. He bent down at picked everything up that was dropped and he stood back up, slightly towering over me. When his eyes met mine, they widened and he almost looked starstruck. "Hey."

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