Job Applications and Secrets

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"Can't you just ask her?" I begged Spencer. "All that could happen is her telling me no."

"She's in a bad mood though," he whined, rolling over onto his back on my bed. "and I hate talking to her when she's in a bad mood."

"How the fuck do you know if she's in a bad mood or not? You're not even home."

"She was when I left."

"That was this morning, Spencer. Before school." Spencer groaned and dug his phone out of his too tight jeans.

"I'll text her. That way I won't know if she's yelling or not."

"Thank you." I laughed. "I've been filling out applications for the last two days and no one has called me back. No one. They probably know I'm pregnant and they don't want some huge pregnant guy working for them. Assholes."

"You aren't even showing Brendon. And besides, they can't not hire you just because you're pregnant. That's discrimination." I sighed and leaned back in my chair. "So how are things with Ryan? You guys seem to be getting along a little better." I stifled a laugh and glared at the ceiling.

"We only get along when we're here. He doesn't talk to me in school, you know that. He acts like I don't exist. Like he didn't get me pregnant."

"He's been sitting with us at lunch though. Even if it's just for a few minutes." Spencer shrugged.

"That's because you and Jon are there. He doesn't even look at me. The guys are probably giving him hell about just sitting at the same table as me."

"They're not," Spencer sat up and crossed his legs. "they just have issues. They're really cool guys once you get to know them. Like they can be nice and funny, you know."

"To everyone but me. All because of Frank's stupid ass." I muttered.

"He'll get over it eventually. And then, maybe, we could all be friends and hangout and stuff."

"And I get bring my baby to parties. Yeah, it's not gonna happen." I focused my attention out the window, the sun going down and making the sky turn a bunch of different colors.

Spencer's phone went off and I looked at him.

"She said you'd have to fill out an application. But she could probably get you in." I smiled and sighed in relief.

"Thank God," I said. "your mom is my hero." Spencer rolled his eyes.

"... movie is stupid. I'm not wasting money on it." Spencer and I both glanced at the door at the sudden voice. It was Jon.

"It's not stupid. It's a great movie. Or I heard it was." And then there's Ryan. I sighed and looked away from the door, facing the window. The door opened and then closed.

"Hey babe." Spencer said. I knew he was smiling, just at the sight of his boyfriend. Those two are head over heels for each other.

"Hey." I heard a small pop sound, like a kiss, which it probably was. "Hey Brendon."

"Hey." I replied quietly.

The back of my chair moved and something appeared at my right side. I looked over to see Ryan bent over and smiling at me, right in my face.

"Hi." He whispered.

"Hi." He began to lean in and I moved so he caught my cheek. 

"That was rude." He said standing back upright.

"Yeah, well." I shrugged.

"Ryan wants to go see some stupid movie tonight." Jon stated.

"It's not stupid!" Ryan argued.

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