Cool Whip and Fist Fights

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"I could eat this for the rest of my life." I shoved a spoon full of cool whip into my mouth and Dallon laughed.

"I bet you could." He smiled. "You're almost out though."

"Yeah," I frowned and stared into the almost empty container. "three of these weren't enough."

"Well I've gotta run to the store real quick. I'll pick you up three more." I looked at him and smiled.

"Thanks." Dallon replied with a quick kiss and left.

He's got the day off and we've spent most of it in my room watching movies. I feel amazing when he's around, always smiling and laughing. It's nice. I'm kind of waiting for him to ask me to be his boyfriend, but I'm afraid to even bring it up. Maybe he just wants a fling or something? Why would he want a pregnant boyfriend?

I finished watching the movie that was on and noticed it's taking Dallon a long time to run to the store. I went through all the other movies on Netflix, just waiting and waiting, and then my phone went off.

Message from: Dallon Weekes

Something came up. Sorry, I'll see you later.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. No more cool whip?

Message to: Dallon Weekes

okay... is everything okay?

Now what am I supposed to do? Spencer and Jon are busy. And I have no other friends. I sure as hell am not hanging out with my parents.

I turned off the TV and sighed to myself. Being pregnant sucks.

The knock on the door made me jump.

"Come in." I called out. The door opened slowly and I wasn't expecting this. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"To talk?" He said as if it were obvious. I noticed a grocery bag in his hand and his face was red and his cheek had a scratch on it, just under his eye.

"Ryan, I do not want to talk to you." I said with my eyes closed and almost gritted teeth.

"Well, too bad. We have to talk, otherwise we'll both just be miserable."

"Who says I'm miserable? I've been just fine without you around."

"With your new boyfriend?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"He's not my boyfriend." I said. Ryan walked over and placed the bag in front of me. "What's this?"

"Whatever your boyfriend was getting you. He asked me to bring it here."

"You saw Dallon?" I looked at him and his face looked more fucked up than it did when he was by the door.

"Something like that." He mumbled. 

"What the fuck did you do?" 

"I didn't do anything!" He said defensively. "I was just minding my own business and he bumped into me on purpose and I dropped all the shit I was holding."

"You got into a fight with him, didn't you?" 

"He started it."

"What the hell, Ryan!?" I stood up and pushed him back.

"Why are you getting mad?" 

"Because you're an idiot!" I turned my back to him and put my head in my hands. "That's why he said something came up."

"What?" Ryan asked.

"Nothing. Just go home."

"I'm not leaving until we talk about this." He sat on my bed and pulled at my arm to sit next to him.

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