Baby Bumps and Party Flings

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I remember the first time I had ever thought about having kids.

Mom and I were at the park, I was only a kid then, and I saw a woman with what I thought was a beach ball under her shirt. I asked my mom why she had a ball under there, which she laughed at, but told me she was pregnant and was going to have a baby. I was so quick to make up my mind then and I told myself I would never have kids because I didn't want a beach ball under my shirt.

But I guess you just can't stick to what you say when you're a kid. Because I definitely have a miniature beach ball. It's not that big. Barely even noticeable. Mom and Spencer say you can't even see it. But I can. And I feel huge. I can't button my jeans anymore. They were tight to begin with but this is just ridiculous.

So I'm stuck wearing basketball shorts or sweats. Ryan asked why I don't just go get new jeans. Why the hell would I do that? I'll just grow out of them again. And once the baby comes, they'll be too big. It's pointless to buy new clothes during pregnancy, unless I have to. He called me crazy and said my sweats were easier to get off than my jeans were, so he didn't mind.

Such  pervert.

"Brendon, there are some officers here to speak to you." Mom said through the door. I groaned and got up, pulling a tshirt on. Ryan's still passed out, not that I'm surprised. The past week has consisted of us hiding in my room and fucking like crazy. Most of the time it's slow and romantic and then I wake up in the middle of the night and beg him to let me ride him. Which he does, of course he does. I know I'm supposed to be taking it easy, but a little rough grinding on his cock can't hurt anything, right? Right. 

I went downstairs and there were two guys, cops, standing next to the couch. Why are they here?

"Morning." One of them said. I nodded and sat down on the couch, pulling a pillow to my chest. The cops sat down and my mom came in and sat next to me. "We just need to ask a few more questions."


"You know the boy who attacked you, correct?" The bald one asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"His name is Michael Way?" I nodded again. "Were you friends at some point?"

"No," I laughed. "we've never been friends."

"Can you tell me what reasons he would have to harm you?"

"He hates me." I shrugged. "His brother pretty much the one who started it and -"

"Started what?" The other guy interrupted me. I sighed.

"It was a few years ago, he thought I was messing around with his boyfriend, but I didn't know the guy was his boyfriend and the guy lied about it and said I was coming onto him and Gerard has hated me ever since then. And everyone he hangs out with, they hate me too. Just because of something stupid that happened, which isn't even true."

"So Michael attacked you out of revenge for his brother?"

"I guess. I don't know. His brother and I kind of got into it at the movies before Mikey kicked my ass. And Frank was there, so that didn't help anything."

"Who is Frank?"

"Gerard's boyfriend. The one who said I was the one coming onto him."

"What happened at the movies?" Jesus, what is this? I went on to explain what happened and they just wrote stuff down and kept interrupting me.

"What's going on?" I turned around to see Ryan coming down there stairs.

"Are you Ryan?" The bald guy asked. Ryan nodded and sat on the arm of the couch next to me.

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