Babies and Pickles

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I can't be pregnant.

My parents are going to kill me.

And it's with Ryan, of all people! 

"You should stay home today," Ryan and I were lying in my bed. It's past four in the morning. "just in case you're still feeling sick, you know?"

"What the fuck am I supposed to do?" I cried into the pillow. "I'm seventeen, I can't have a baby."

"You'll be fine, Brendon. You can do it. Do you know who the dad is?" Is he really asking me this? I sat up and gave him a look of disbelief.

"You're kidding, right?" Ryan looked back at me with confusion and shook his head. "It's you, you fucking moron. I haven't had sex with anyone but you." His eyes grew wider and he sat up.

"No, no no."

"Yes, yes yes." Ryan's head fell in his hands and he sighed. "I understand if your friends are more important than our kid. So you can just sign over your rights and stay out of my life for good."

"I wouldn't do that, Brendon." He mumbled in his hands.

"Bullshit. Yes you would." I lied back down and wrapped myself in the blanket.

"Do I have to prove it to you?" Ryan asked, heading shooting up. "I will. Later at school. I'll tell everyone."

I rolled my eyes and let myself fall asleep. I'm done with his games.


I woke up to my phone buzzing like crazy on the nightstand. Spencer's name was on the screen.

"Hello?" I answered groggily.

"I'm on my way over and you better tell me this is a joke." And with that he hung up.


I stayed in bed and Spencer showed up a few minutes later, just letting himself into my room.

"Sure, come on in." I said sitting up.

"You're fucking pregnant?" He whisper yelled.

"Wow, I guess he really did tell everyone." 

"What? Who?" Spencer furrowed his eyebrows. And so did I.

"Who told you?" I asked.

"Everyone is talking about it. I have no idea -"

"Thanks for waiting up, Spence." Jon said walking into my room.

"Who fucking told you?" I repeated angrily.

"I heard it from Gabe. He said William told him and Gerard told William." Spencer finally answered.

"And who told Gerard?" I already knew that answer.

"I have no idea," Spencer said throwing his arms up. "when did you find out anyway? And how far along are you?"

"I found out last night. That's why I've been getting sick. And I have to go to the doctors next week to find out."

"Well when was the last time you had sex?" Getting a little personal now, Spencer James.

"Like, almost a month ago? Something like that." I admitted.

"Was it a one night stand? Do you know who it was with? Please tell me you didn't hook up with some guy you don't know."

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I sighed.

"Try me." Spencer said staring at me. Jon was standing next to the bed beside Spencer and he was just as eager to find out as Spencer was.

I looked back and forth between them before stopping on Spencer.

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