Because I Love You

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I'm dealing with a bunch of bullshit right now with my parents & I'm about to lose my goddamn mind. Someone save me. 


Fast forwarding a bit...

We get to find out what the baby is today and I'm beyond excited.

Ryan said we're going shopping as soon as we leave the doctors office so we can start buying clothes. He's excited, too.

We're sitting in the doctors office, waiting to be called back. Mom didn't want to come because she wanted to be surprised when we get back. But Ryan and I are planning on having a gender reveal party to tell everyone.

"Brendon." Ryan and I quickly stood up and followed the ultrasound lady to the ultrasound room. "I need you to pull your underwear and pants down a little, get on the table and cover yourself with this sheet." I did as I was told and then she told me to lie down. There was a flatscreen TV on the wall in front of me so I could see what was on the monitor. Ryan took the seat next to the table, bed thing and held my hand.

The ultrasound lady lifted my shirt, squeezed the blue gel on my belly and then put the wand thing in the gel.

I smiled at the sight of the baby on the screen. It was so tiny and moving all over today.

"That's crazy." Ryan said. I glanced at him and saw a smile on his face.

"Are you wanting to know the gender?" The lady asked.

"Yeah." I replied quickly. She moved the thing around and then the baby's head was out of view and all I saw were what looked like legs and... 


The gender reveal party is in less than an hour and Ryan isn't even out of bed yet.


"Ryan, would you get up already?" I threw a shirt at him and he groaned. "Come on! We're gonna be late for our own party!"

"Let 'em wait," he mumbled. "need sleep."

"If you don't get up right now, I'll drag you out of that damn bed myself."

"I'd like to see you try." I could just hear the smirk he had on his lips.

I walked to the end of the bed and grabbed him by the ankles, pulling him toward me until he was almost completely off the bed.

"Get. Up." I demanded.

"I like when you're mad." He finally sat up, his hair a mess and a tired look on his face. The smirk just made him look even sexier. "Do I have time to shower?" 

"Yeah, maybe five minutes. We still have to go get the balloons." Ryan made a disapproving sound and stood up in front of me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me to him.

"You're gonna shower with me, right?"

"No, I already had a shower. I'm just waiting on you. Now go." I pulled myself away from him and pushed him to the door. I watched him go into the bathroom and waited until I heard the shower turn on. Finally.


I decorated a big box with gender neutral colors and wrote Boy or Girl on the front of it. Ryan and I went to get the balloons and we shoved them in the box and duct taped it so the lids wouldn't open.

The party was at a nice party hall and there were already a bunch of people there. Mostly my family.

Ryan's parents said they weren't coming. But a few of his other family members came. 

Stuck With You - Rydon | MPregWhere stories live. Discover now