Mall Fights and Butterflies

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"Mom, can we move please?" I made the living room couch my bed and took over the TV. Mom made me some soup and tea and it really isn't helping with my broken heart.

"We can't move Brendon," she laughed. "you'll find someone who loves you, honey. Someone who deserves you."

"It's not fair. He doesn't have to be pregnant and throw up all the time and feel like shit. He just gets to act like nothing is going on and go on with his life." I groaned.

"Maybe he just needs some time. You guys are young, just graduated from high school yesterday. He'll come around. And if he doesn't, then that's his loss." Mom got up and went into the kitchen where she spends most of her time.

My phone buzzed on the coffee table and I quickly picked it up, kind of hoping it'd be Ryan. But it wasn't.

It was some number I've never seen before.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi, may I speak with Brendon Urie please?" The voice on the other line asked.

"This is him." I answered sitting up.

"Hi Mr. Urie. This is Amanda calling from Macy's. I looked over your application and I'd like to set up an interview if you're still interested?" I smiled to myself.

"Yeah, yeah. That'd be great."

"Awesome. Would tomorrow around noon be good for you?" She asked.

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll be there."

"Okay, great. Looking forward to meeting you, Mr. Urie." I hung up and jumped up and down in excitement until I was running to the bathroom to get sick.

Note to self: do not jump up and down in excitement. Bad idea.

I brushed my teeth and called Spencer.

"Hey, sup?" He answered.

"I got a job interview! Tomorrow at Macy's."

"That's awesome! Hope you get it." Spencer said.

"Yeah, me too. I need it." I sighed. "Hey, um... have you heard anything from Ryan at all?"

"Not recently, why?"

"Just wondering. He kind of told me he didn't want us to be a couple. So I don't know what's going to happen anymore. With the baby and all."

"He's such an ass, I swear. I'm gonna have Jon knock some sense into him."

"Don't worry about it. He'll realize that he's the one who fucked up."

Spencer and I talked for a while longer and by the time we got off the phone, I was ready for bed. But mom made me eat dinner first. I told her about the interview and she and dad were happy about it.

I just hope I don't screw it up.


"Hi, I have an interview at twelve." I said to one of the ladies standing by the counter at the jewelry department.

"You must be Brendon?" The blond woman smiled. I nodded and smiled back. "Right this way." She walked out from behind the counter and grabbed a clipboard and a pen. I followed her out of the store and we sat near the fountain. "I'm Amanda." She held her hand out and I shook it gently.

"Brendon." I said, feeling stupid.

She asked questions about what I could bring to the company and why I wanted to work there and a bunch of other things. After about forty five minutes, it was finally over.

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