Cell Phones and Lies

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"I'm such an idiot," Ryan said rummaging through his bag. "I completely forgot I had it." 

I rolled my eyes and leaned against the wall with my arms crossed.

"So we could have been out of here a long time ago." Ryan pulled the phone from his bag and his half smile quickly faded. "What?"

"It's dead." He sighed and dropped it back in the bag. "Fuck."

"I just want to go home and shower in my bathroom and sleep in my bed and never come back to this place again." I said. "How the fuck does this happen!? Don't they at least check the entire school before locking up and leaving? Jesus Christ."

"They're all dumb asses here," Ryan laughed. "you know that."

"It sucks." We ended up sitting on the floor against the wall and neither one of us said a word for a while. It was kind of nice, being able to sit here with him and not feel so much tension for once. I never knew he could be a nice person. Understanding and caring. Unless, of course, he's just acting in hopes to get something from me. But that'll never happen, not in school. Not until he proves to me that he's not using me. Even I could have come up with all the shit he said if I were desperate enough. And it's so hard to know if he's being honest or if he's playing games with me. I won't fall for it. I know who his friends are and I know how they act just to get a piece of ass.

"Do you remember that time in middle school when we went on that field trip to D.C.?" Ryan said with a soft smile, staring at the ground.

"Yeah, what about it?" I asked.

"I was so mad because Ethan sat next to you before I could. And the last seat available on the bus was next to -"

"Kelly, yeah I remember. She wouldn't shut the hell up." I laughed at the memory. "You were behind me though, so I'm sure it wasn't that bad for you."

"Um, it was very bad for me. Kelly kept trying to hit on me and even asked me to the last day of school dance. But you and Ethan seemed to be hitting it off."

"He was alright," I shrugged. "a little too talkative, especially about global warming. Too bad he moved before freshman year, I'd have two friends instead of one." 

"I'm your friend." Ryan said quietly.

"Yeah, for now you are. You can say whatever you want about us talking to each other in front of other people, but it's not gonna happen. We both know that." I kept my head down and Ryan didn't say anything else after that. He got up and walked away and I didn't see him for the rest of the day.


"Brendon?" I heard my name being from down the hall. "Bren?"

"What?" I walked out of the classroom with the TV and saw Ryan with a smile on his face, walking toward me.

"Just thought of something," he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him to the stairs. "the school phones. They've got to be working, right?" I sighed in relief.

"You're amazing, Ryan." We practically ran down the stairs and into the the office. "Are the doors unlocked?"

"Fuck," Ryan said under his breath. "I didn't think of that."

We tried opening the doors, and sure enough, they were locked.

"You know, we could have just used the phone in the room upstairs that I was in." Ryan stared at me for a second and we both took off back up the stairs and into the classroom.

The phone, the stupid goddamn phone that I've been sitting next to since I've been locked in here, just hung on the wall.

"So, who are we calling then?" Ryan asked.

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