Night walker

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Kota Pov

Later that night, Kota, Tamashiro, and the gross boy whose name turned out to be Kei, which was ironic, had to clean the school. Doing that at all sucked in of itself but on top of that, I had to do it with my least favorite people.

We decided to split up so they wouldn't have to spend time together. I went to clean up my own classroom.

While I did, I thought about Reset. What if they tried to capture Eri while I was away? A ball of anxiety grew in my chest, though I did my best to ignore it. 

Now that Katsuma knew, at the very least he could help. Though his quirk wasn't exactly built for combat....

I shook it off. Eri would be more alert this time. She could take care of herself. 

I took a deep breath. O had to relax...

Then I found a small letter hidden in one of the vents while I was cleaning. It was a message from the spy to Reset.

To Reset,

The Sports festival is coming up. Security will be tight. 

You have to come for her before or after that if you want to get away with it.

As for her friends, they won't let us try to get her without a fight. Especially Kota, the boy with the water hose quirk. If we drug them and take them to the forests outside the campus, that should leave an opening. 

It didn't say who it was from. I growled. Sorry, but that wouldn't be working. I put the note in my pocket so I would be able to compare the handwriting later to some of my classmates' papers. 

I had to get to Eri. I knew he would be punished for this, but I didn't care. 

I dashed to the dorms and saw the kidnappers fighting Eri and Tora. Eri used her scarf to tie the kidnapper up and slammed him to the wall. 

I blasted him through the window with my quirk and went to see if they were okay. 

"Thanks for helping out, Kota. How did you know we were in trouble?" Eri asked. 

I showed her the note and Tora growled. "Assholes." 

"Couldn't agree more." 

Eri looked worried. "I don't want you guys to get hurt because of me." 

I put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry. We won't let them. Where is everyone else?"

"We don't know. We checked their rooms but their gone."

"The forest." 

We ran outside the campus and found Eri's friends in the middle of a clearing. 

Eri went to wake them up and they groaned. 

"What the hell?" Itsuki asked, rubbing her head in confusion. 

We explained to all of them what happened. They were seething. They wanted revenge for being drugged and for Eri nearly being kidnapped. 

"Let's go get those guys!" Miryoku insisted but Tsuki held him back. 

"Let's think about this first. We're probably outnumbered and less experienced. And they want Eri. How in the world are we going to fight them?"

"Kota, Tora, and Eri did it." 

"Yes, but that's because there was a smaller number of them and the first time I did it, I got the jump on them. They didn't see me coming. But now their weary of me because I damaged one of their soldiers faces permanently." 

Tora and Miryoku looked disappointed. "Then what do we do?" 

I thought about that for a moment. ".... If we can find where they are and set up an ambush, we could capture them and take them in for questioning.... Yeah, that could work." 

"Alright, hot shot, tell us what you have in mind." Tora told me. I nodded and explained while they listened. We only had one shot at this. We had to make it count. 

We set up near the exit of the forest-where, as I had predicted- other villains from Reset were hiding. 

"Where are they? We don't have all night." One of them growled. 

We all took our positions and undid the pegs we had set up before. A giant net lifted all the villains up, trapping them. They shouted in surprise, and I told Tora and Tsuki to scout the area for anymore enemies. 

Eri was smiling at me. It made me feel oddly warm. 

"What is it?"

She jumped a little and looked away. "Sorry. I-I just appreciate that you're helping me so much. I feel so bad for endangering everyone else. Their after me. It's my fault that-"

"Shut up."


"Shut up. It's not your fault at all. Stop saying that. I'm choosing to help you not because I have to, but because I can't bring myself to just let you deal with all of this bullshit on your own. Got it?"

She nodded. "Thank you. I-I needed that." 

I did a small bow of my head and looked back into the forest after she went back to scanning the area we were in. I drew a sharp breath. That had come out of nowhere. I had just said those things on impulse without thinking about it. I wasn't sure why, but I hated hearing Eri beat herself up. I didn't know what had happened to her to make her feel like that. Her dad and brother seemed to love her in their own ways. I doubted they were the cause for this. 

Tora jumped back towards us. "There are a few more villains outside of the forest. Their heading towards us." 

Tsuki came back. "Yep. What should we do?" 

I took a moment to think. "We won't have time to set up more traps.... We might have to fight them head on this time. How many are there?"

"But you said-"

"I know what I said!" I took a deep breath. "We might have to take a chance."

"Alright, Rain boy. There are about seven. I couldn't tell what their quirks were." Tora replied.

I frowned at the nickname and sighed. "Fine. Let's do this. Everyone get ready. Shit's about to get real." 

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