Heroes come in many different forms

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Eri P.o.v

She sat down at her desk the next day and when Aizawa entered, he announced in a droning voice that they would be training in an exercise that would help them work together. 

They would all be split up into teams. One team was meant to be the villains, hiding a bomb and the other team would be the heroes who would try to retrieve said bomb.

She gulped. Her reaction time wasn't where it needed to be. And whether she would end up being the hero or the villain, she wouldn't do very well if someone tried to ambush her.

She would need to rely on her teammates to do this right. Argh, but she didn't want to be dead weight. Her quirk wasn't meant for battle. She looked around her classroom and then at her hands. How could she compare to them if she could barely hold her own in a fight? How was she supposed to be a proper hero if she couldn't even fight for the people she was protecting? How would she even make through U.A?

She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

The first hero team was Tsuki, Miryoku and Tora and the Villain team was Kaisumo, Aoi, and Rai.

She and the rest of the class would watch their fight through the security cams. They wouldn't be able to hear anything but they could see everything.

They saw Tora scale the wall of the office building with her claws while leaving minimal damage. She entered the building with ease and then dropped down a rope from the window.

"Where did she get that?" Katsuma muttered. She shrugged. Tamashiro grunted. She did her best not to glare at him. He probably thought that she had cheated but the teachers didn't seem to mind that much. So it was clearly fine.

Tsuki and Miryoku climbed up the rope and they all split up in different directions to find the villains. 

But Tora ended up getting ambushed by Aoi, who had used her camouflage to hide in plain sight. Tora was bigger and stronger then Aoi, but Aoi was much faster and more agile, making her nearly impossible to hit.

Then Aoi left a scratch on Tora and when she did, it seemed as if her movement slowed down significantly and she seemed to get clumsier. 

Eri clenched her teeth. Come on Tora, you can do it! 

Tora managed to get a punch in on Aoi directly below the rib cage, which was a weak point. And since Aoi wasn't very tough, she fainted from the blow. Tori clumsily moved on while holding her gut. 

Miryoku found Kaisumo, who had been hiding behind a corner. He used his light rays to blind Kaisumo for a bit and got a hit in between the eyes. Kaisumo used one section of his quirk, called Wrath, to enhance his strength but he was more reckless and brutal. He hit Miryoku it the gut several times and pinned him down, punching him in the skull a few times. The teachers seemed to be on edge.

He was being more viscous then he needed to be. But Kaisumo managed to deactivate that part of his quirk and he looked at Miryoku apologetically. He really did look guilty for hurting him that badly and got off of him and tied him up. 

Tsuki got to the bomb, which Rai was guarding. The electric green haired boy with pure black eyes turned around without much emotion on his face. Tsuki tied her long and sleek black hair in a ponytail and looked at him defiantly, her pale blue eyes sparking a fire. She focused and suddenly Rai held his head and looked like he was trying to resist her probe. But it didn't seem to work as he was left helpless as Tsuki walked up to the bomb and touched it. The heroes had won.

After that, they walked into the observation room and Miryoku was taken to the infirmary and Kaisumo apologized to him again. The blonde chuckled and told him that it was okay.  Kaisumo smiled wryly and sat down.

His messy, long red hair hung over the side of his face as he put his head in his hands. Ryashi sat next to him and patted him on the shoulder.

"I'm sure Miryoku forgives you, that's just the drawback of your quirk." She reassured him gently. He looked up and hugged her without saying anything. Ryashi looked shocked but she hugged back with a smile.

Eri smiled, they had opposite quirks but they seemed to be very close already.

Tora walked up to her, the venom had been extracted and she seemed much better now. She stretched and patted Eri on the back. She did her best to pretend like it didn't hurt.

The next hero team was Ryashi, Ryu, and Suika. The villain team was Akuma, Mameido, and Lora.

Ryu sprouted his dragon wings and helped Suika up to the building while Ryashi simply climbed up with a grapple hook. This time, Ryashi and Suika went together while Ryu went alone.

Ryashi and Suika seemed to get along well from a distance. She smiled. Hopefully they would all do well. 

Then the two of them were ambushed by Mameido, who started to sing, they both covered their ears and Suika used her quirk to turn the ground below Mameido turn into bubbles. The blue haired girl fell through the floor but it wasn't to bad of a drop so she was fine, just a bit bruised.

The two girls continued on when suddenly they fell through the floor as well and they had to continue their fight with Mameido. Ryashi used one section of her quirk, humility, to sneak up on Mameido  and pin her down. 

While in class, she remembered overhearing Ryashi call it her 'Selfless state' where she was invisible to her opponent. She had to completely forget about herself in order to activate it though, she could only worry about other people to keep that form up.

Then Ryu ran into.... Ryashi? Wait wasn't she...

Oh wait, that wasn't Ryashi, that was Lora! She had shapeshifted into Ryashi to trick him.

Lora managed to trick him and knock him out, dragging him into a janitor's closet.

Suika manged to climb out of the hole and Ryashi said something to her and the pink haired girl ran to the bomb.

Akuma was guarding it and he had his mutation type quirk at full strength, she could tell by how his violet eyes had no white in them right now. Only onyx black.

He breathed his hellfire, which was the same shade as his eyes. Suika choked on the smoke but it looked like he wasn't trying to hurt her.

He walked up to her, the purple light reflecting off of his midnight black hair and said something, but she couldn't hear him though.

Suika didn't give up though, she used her quirk to turn the fire into water, which made him slip and she got up, but Akuma gripped her leg and she tripped. Her got on top of her and pinned her down. Their time was up, the villains had won. 

The six of them entered and Akuma and Suika looked kind of nervous around eachother. They were both scratching the backs of their necks. 

"Um- S-sorry about that, I realize that it was a bit awkward." Akuma apologized. 

"I-It's fine." She replied. 

Tamashiro rolled his eyes and pulled Akuma over. She knew they were friends but Akuma seemed so much nicer then Tamashiro. Now she understand why he was friends Rai but not with Akuma. 

Anyway, it was time for the next round. 

"Next heroes: Eri, Kota, and Katsuma. Next villains: Tamashiro, Arashi and Buki." Aizawa announced.

She gulped and looked at Tamashiro. He cracked his knuckles. Oh boy.

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