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(Roughly a few weeks later)

Eri P.O.V

They had just started to move into their dorms and she picked a room by Tora and Katsuma's and across from Tsuki and Miryoku's rooms. While Kota's was a bit down the hall.

She unpacked her things with a sigh. Most of it were old gifts Class 1-A had given her when she was a kid along with a few plushies Shinso and Aizawa had given her for a couple of Christmases and Birthdays ago.

She also hung up a few family photos as well as pictures of her friends in 1-A. Who knows, maybe someday, she would have some photos with her new friends in this year's class 1-A. She smiled at the thought as she put some of her books on a few shelves that were above her bed as well as a couple of cat planters that were knitted in little cozies.

Her rug was a fluffy blue with a little calico cat on it. She set up a desk and placed some school work on it.

As a finishing touch, she hung a few fairy lights from her old room up around her new dorm room. 

Then she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," She replied pleasantly. Katsuma, Tsuki, Miryoku and Tora all entered her room and smiled.

"Wow! Your room is so kawai! You did a good job decorating it!" Tora noted, looking around with an excited look on her face.

She smiled and scratched the back of her neck.

"I-I only really worked with some of my old things." She told them nervously. Katsuma looked at her photos and his eyes widened.

"Hey, Eri, what's your full name?" He asked.

"Oh... It's Eri Aizawa." She replied with a wince.

"Your Erasurehead's daughter?!" Miryoku exclaimed in shock.

"Not so loud, there's a reason she didn't tell us." Tsuki silenced him.

"Why didn't you tell us, Eri?" Tora asked in whisper.

"...People normally think I'm lying or they compare me to him a lot." She explained.

"Oh." Miryoku  said, then regaining his past cheer. "You must've had an amazing childhood with your dad as a Pro-hero."

"An amazing childhood... Right....." She trailed off. She felt like old wounds were being reopened as she sighed.

"I think we should leave for now." Tsuki suggested gently as she led them all out of her room. Eri collapsed onto her bed and put her hands over her face.

She remembered her time with Chisaki and his harsh words while he cut her and used her flesh to create bullets that could take away people's quirks. Those same bullets had nearly ruined Lemillion's chances of becoming a hero.

She remembered the pain and misery. The darkness and the all the blood and tears. She felt tears come to her eyes and she clutched her pillow.

She closed her eyes, blinking away the tears.

Eri ended up quietly crying herself to sleep just by remembering that awful time.

She covered her ears as she saw Chisaki kill the man that was supposed to keep an eye on her. She had tried to escape and failed. She hadn't wanted Overhaul to kill those two hero students. She saw the man's blood stain the wall and Chisaki turned to her with a cruel look on his face.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Eri? It's your fault. And I always have to get my hands dirty because of your selfishness." He hissed. She believed him. She was selfish and all she did was hurt people.

Why else would her parents give her up to be experimented on? She was a monster and a murderer. She didn't want anyone else to get hurt. But she didn't want to have to go through all this awful pain anymore either.

Overhaul put her in the chair and she braced for the scalpel to pierce her skin. She felt the familiar sting of white hot pain go into her. She felt tears roll down her cheeks as he pushed her to the brink of death but not enough to kill her.

At this point, death would be a mercy. But of course, Chisaki was not going to show her any of that.

Her skin regenerated as he took her blood and flesh and put them into those cursed red bullets. Why? Why did she have to have this quirk? 

She would rather be quirkless then have to go through this. 

"Your an awful girl. And awful girls don't deserve nice things."

She woke up with a jolt. She immediately burst into tears again and held her head in her hands. She panted as she sweated bullets. 

It's over, it's over, it's over. She was okay now, he was in prison, he couldn't hurt her anymore. It would all be alright. She tried to calm down her breathing but she ended up just lying on her bed crying and not being able to sleep. 

She closed her eyes and remembered when Deku saved her. She had been terrified but at the same time, hopeful. She really hoped he would win so she could escape that awful place.

Eri remembered the music festival and she remembered the joy that had brought her very first smile in years. She remembered being so happy then. Whenever she needed cheering up, she would always think about that day, it always made her smile and laugh. Especially at Deku's silly dancing and Jiro's amazing singing.

She smiled and drifted off to sleep, this time her sleep was peaceful, well mostly, she was haunted by Chisaki's voice the entire time. The most painful things he had ever said to her ringed in her head like a giant bell over and over again.

Just go away! She thought.

You don't deserve to be treated well, your a murderer.

It was an accident. I never meant to kill anyone.. Please, I don't want this.

You deserve this though. Bad guys always need a punishment for the wrong things they do.

I'm not a bad guy though. I don't want to be.

Oh, but you are though.

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