World of Witchcraft (Morgan le Fay, aka Sea Priestess)

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She was smiling wickedly, her eyes looking at the unconscious arachnid hero that now laid on her castle. She had, essentially, kidnapped the hero in question. A simple order from her and her knights were already moving to find the arachnid hero of New York. She had to be specific about who she wanted though, she didn't want to deal with the younger arachnid hero. She wanted the original, the one that she knew from before.

She stared at him, concentrated on his even breaths. She had been obsessed with Spider-Man, the hero had been on her mind since many moons back. She didn't know just how she was able to hold on waiting. But she was finally able to find a way to get the arachnid. Having corrupted the previous Captain Britain had been a boon in her favor. Originally, she didn't have any reason to believe that the man would provide her with a way to get Spider-Man. But then she found something that intrigued her, memories that were blocked from the mind of one Brian Braddock. And as soon as she unlocked them, she knew just how to get the hero that she ever so wanted to herself.

"You won't believe just how long I've waited for this..." The sorceress whispered, a green-ish aura appearing around her body. She felt it, an attack on her dimension by those mutants that she so detested. She was even tempted to just give Braddock her brother back, she already had what she wanted. But her eyes were solely concentrated on the male that had captured her attention. She was, honestly, slightly invested in the hero; searching every time she had to watch him with her magic. She sighed, feeling just how her castle had been breached by the mutants that were in Otherworld. "Wait for me... I'll finish this quick"

She quickly glanced at the hero, who had yet to awaken from the unconscious state that Brian had left him. She wanted to spend more time with him, watch him as he rested for an uncertain amount of time before she would make him hers. This rest was one that she knew that he needed, constantly protecting New York without any rest was probably consuming him greatly. She smiled slightly, her wicked smile diminishing to a sincere one. Though it was then that she disappeared, preparing herself to deal with the mutants that had invaded her castle.

Time Skip

She had to retreat back, the mutants had been more than prepared to face her. She didn't even blink at the fact that she had lost her control over the original Captain Britain. The man was someone that she was going to dispose of in the end, she didn't need him in the long run. The only one that she needed was the arachnid hero she had in her castle's cells. The mutants didn't even go to investigate if she had others trapped in cells, which worked perfectly for her. She walked down the stairs, her green lips widening into a smirk as she kept on walking. It didn't take long for her to get face to face with the now awakened hero.

"What the- le Fay?!" She frowned slightly, which would go unnoticeable by most. She would have expected to receive the adoration from the hero for taking him in her protection. It had been her way to not only force him to rest but to slowly charm her way into his heart. While her way may be normally confused for something else, she didn't want to make an enemy of the hero. She wanted him for herself, to finally have a king in her world. "What have you done to me?"

"I have done nothing, Spider-Man" She answered honestly, she even went out of her way to open the cell where the hero had been for the moment that he had arrived at her castle. Just looking at his confused expression was more than enough for her to regain her smirk back. She was always very manipulative, gaining her way by force if she had to. But the way the arachnid hero was reacting to her actions, she noticed that things would be easier than she expected. "I just took you for my own before anyone else could make any move"

"Wait... You wanted to make me king of Otherworld?!" She hummed in response, liking the fact that he was able to completely guess her intention. Even her smirk widened, loving the fact that the hero in front of her was smarter than what she had been let to know. She could only lick her lips sensually as she saw the hero gulp in response. She was now more excited to make him her king, her partner in Otherworld. It would be a boon in her power, and it will also solidify her reign. "Why?"

"You have picked my interest, Spider-Man..." She answered, walking closer to him. She sashayed her way up to him, seduction had always been up her alley. And she had to admit that she loved hearing the splutter that the hero let out as she started her manipulative ways. "Your strength..." She caressed his muscles, mainly the ones on his biceps. She was already behind him, the tips of her nails leaving a mark on his body as they trailed his right bicep. She felt just as he tensed against her touch, which only made her excited for the moment he was on the palm of her hand. "Your bravery..." She trailed his chest next, feeling the abs of the hero in her hold. She, once again, licked her lips; appreciating the developed muscles that she was currently feeling right now. It made her want him even further than before. "These are attributes of a hero... Of a king"

It was in no time that she had been able to walk around the hero, standing face to face once again with the man that she had essentially kidnapped. Her lips were almost against his own, the proximity of the two making her slightly excited to act upon her desires. But she had to make him do the first action, to surrender to her. She knew that she was capable of doing so, of making the hero give himself to her and her love for him. She could see it, she could feel it, and she was merely steps away from getting what she wanted.

"You're crazy, Morgan..." She grinned in response, the only reason that the man would even utter her first name was because he had accepted. And even if she could notice even the slightest of hesitations, he had given up. He had allowed her to win this bout that had started ever since she walked down the stairs. It was not long before she kissed the hero, her lips finally meeting his own. She savagely dominated the kiss, the hero responding with the same amount of lust at her. She moaned slightly, which was enough time for her to lose her focus and allow the hero to dominate her in return. The kiss slowly ended, her lips maintaining the grin she had before the two kissed.

"Of course, I am... I'm crazy for you, Spider-Man" She restarted the kiss with the arachnid, both of them ignoring that they were in the cell of the castle. She soon fell down on top of the hero, the groan that came from the hero giving her enough momentum to start her conquest. She ended the kiss once again, her eyes shining brightly as she slowly began to remove her garments. She finally had her king, and no one was going to take her king away from her.

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