Absolute Madness (Carla Unger, aka She-Carnage)

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He had to admit, he never thought that he would reach this point. Do not get him wrong, he was excited to spend the rest of her life with her. The two of them had gone through many events in their lives that had only pushed the two of them together. He grabbed her hand, his eyes looking into her own green eyes flashing in happiness. He would not change anything that led to this very moment. A moment of happiness that was sure to change the rest of his life.

He was a little uncomfortable with what he was wearing though. His white shirt, which was mostly hidden by the black vest he had, was a bit too tight. Yet he remembers her eyes the moment she saw him in the clothes and knew that he had to wear them. At least, he would do it for her sake. He smiled, happy to know that after each heartbreak that he had suffered recently he could at least be able to be happy in the end.

"Today is not like any other day..." He stood straight, his eyes looking at the church's father that they had hired for the ceremony. Whether he believed in God or not, it had been the religion he had been raised on. And he knew that Aunt May would be very happy if he got married this way, with the blessing of the religion that she had taught him to have faith in since he was a child. "Today is a special day! The day when Peter Parker and Felicia Hardy unite their lives together in this holy union"

He, Peter Parker, glanced at his would-be wife. Her smile was brilliant, and he loved seeing her with such happiness. He still remembers the day that when the two of them met, the adventures they went on together, the heartbreaks, the lies... the love. Ultimately, he knew for certain that she had entered his life for a reason. He never would have guessed that he would be standing here next to her, his mind thinking of all the women he had actually seen in his mind in this position rather than Felicia. But he wouldn't have it any other way.

"I wish from the bottom of my heart that under this blessing, the two of you would forever find happiness" Peter held Felicia's hand tighter, letting her know that he was there for her. The smile on her dark painted lips was all he needed to see to know that she appreciated the sentiment. He was more than happy to move on from the life that he had as a bachelor, more than ready to be someone that only belonged to a single woman. He knew that he didn't have the nicest of record among the heroic community, but he was at least faithful to the woman that he was with. Only failing at it a few times, if he didn't count all the times Felicia seduced him. "That the two of you will never forget the vows that you had spoken"

Peter knew that he would never break his vows. Each word that had made his soon to be wife cry in joy had been more than enough reason to let him know that, in the end, he had made the right choice. He would never abandon her, he was not going to let her suffer once more through the pain that Otto caused her to suffer when the madman had supplanted his body. Never again did he want to see Felicia cry. It was his promise, his vow and he was never going to break it.

"What God has just bonded, only death can break it" Peter could only hold back a flinch as he remembers the heartbreaks that Aunt May had been through. Not only losing Uncle Ben, but losing her second husband, John Jameson, Sr. He is the father of the man who had been his boss during his time at the Daily Bugle, John Jonah Jameson, and a person he respected. He knew what his death caused May to go through, and it was something that he didn't want to go through. "If there is someone who doesn't agree with this union, talk now or forever stay silent"

Peter really hoped that nothing would go wrong. It was the moment of truth, the moment that he had been waiting for. He still remembers moments when Barbara Morse would interrupt an evening that he was having together with Felicia, just out of jealousy. It was not his fault that she had decided to leave him for such an unreasonable reason and years later regret her actions because Barton didn't want anything to do with her any longer. He did have a talk with her, one that probably had been overdue. He hated breaking Barbara's heart in such a way, but he had decided to stay with Felicia. He was not going to betray her for no one in the world.

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