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𝘪 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 7𝘵𝘩 😭

it was december 7th

satoru's birthday

satoru and suguru had spent the entire morning cuddling in satoru's bed, watching some of gojo's favorite movies while they ate some snacks. they also occasionally made out inbetween movies.

after finishing one last movie, geto got up from the bed from where he once laid.

"hey~, where are you going??" pouted satoru, already missing the warm embrace of his boyfriend.

"i'm going to go out, need to go get some things. it'll be quick though, i promise. besides, we can't stay in bed all day, it is your birthday after all." replied geto, grabbing his jacket and wallet.

"true..." said satoru, sitting up on the bed.

"well, imma head out, see you later darling" said suguru, while looking at satoru with a soft and sweet smile.

"later, sugu!!" exclaimed satoru.

"bye and happy birthday!!" and with that, geto left to run his errands.


'what kind of cake should i get him?' suguru thought, looking at the numerous options being presented.

'maybe this one? no. what about that one? mm, no. what about this one?? no, ughh, why is this so hard..'

suguru continued to look at cake after cake, and then, he found the perfect one.

it was a medium sized white cake with blue decorations, it was chocolate flavored with some strawberry filling in the middle of the cake.

'now this is the one'

he went up to the man at the counter, asking for the cake, and then waited for it to be given to him.

"thank you sir" thanked suguru right before leaving the bakery.

he then went on to grab some other sweets, a bouquet of both red lilies and dahlias flowers, and then headed to where he had been waiting to go.

the pet store.

he had thought about giving satoru a cat for a while now, but he decided to wait until his birthday for it.

he headed inside, heading immediately to the cat section.

he looked at all the cats there, from persians to shorthairs, but suguru was looking for one specifically, a white cat. he recalled that satoru really liked them. that every time they would see a white cat out on the street, satoru would always stop and go pet them.

so he went on a hunt.

the first pet store he went to, which is the one he's in right now, didn't seem to have any white cats, like at all.

so he went to the next one.

and the next one.

and the next one.

until he finally reached the final pet store, having to take a taxi to get there since it was pretty far to go on foot. he went inside.

he went further and further into the store, hoping to find what he'd been looking for. and then, there it was.

a white cat who coincidentally had blue eyes.

suguru's face lit up, finally after going from store to store, he found the perfect cat for his love.

𝘚𝘈𝘛𝘖𝘚𝘜𝘎𝘜 𝘖𝘕𝘌𝘚𝘏𝘖𝘛𝘚Where stories live. Discover now