Chapter 2 : New Life, New Day

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He saw the body of his creation slowly being complete and revealing the visible of the creation.

He saw a young man with a long hair similar to his hair, a white clear skin, even the shinny silver eyes of his creation was taken over from him. As he thought that his creation was totally clone of him when he was younger.

Wei Wuxian was amazed and proud of himself because such achievement of making a child using demonic cultivation is extremely impossible thing the world has not achieve yet, and Wei Wuxian alone was admiring his beautiful creation floating nakedly in thin air.

After a few minutes

He's creation was finished and the resentment energy fade away, unblocking the Wens' way through Wei Wuxian. The Wens rushed up to him checking and asking if he's okay. They checked and no injuries nor scratch was found only the bandaged bruises, tho he was dirty and sulky because of the blood that got into his clothes.

He was exhausted due to the overwork after making a child, even so he was still very proud to himself of what he achieved and that is his creating his ultimate creation, it feels like he has experience heaven even tho his life is hell.

The Wens was curious of what Wei Wuxian made for him to work so hard on. A child with a teenage body 13-14, height 160 cm, was looking at them with a silver eyes like Wei Wuxian. Wei Ying looked at the eyes of his son, a round eyes mixed with almond eyes, Wei Wuxian was speechless cause looking at his son wants him to just look at his son all day long proudly thinking of himself that making this child live forever is his task even if he's gone and dead.

The Wens noticed that Wei Wuxian's creation is a younger version of him, like a perfect copy of his younger self, Wen Yuan was so amazed that his eyes was sparkling with excitement, seeing another A-niang(Wei Wuxian) amazed him especially if it's a little smaller than Wei Ying. A-Yuan interestly asked Wei Ying.

"A-Die, who is he? He looks like A-Die so much and soo beautiful like A-niang too!" A-Yuan said while admiring the young child of Wei Ying.

Wei Ying was stunned and look at A-Yuan with a slight shocking face.

'Seems like A-Yuan is already like my child' Wei Wuxian saying in his thoughts.

Wei Wuxian switch his attention to his child, the child was looking at them cluelessly without knowing what is happening since he was just born a min ago. The clueless child was looking at them not knowing what are they muttering and talking about and it seems like he can't speak either.

While they were admiring the beautiful, cute and handsome appearance of Wei Wuxian's child that look alike to him, a mark was slowly appearing on the child's chest, wrist and neck that got Wei Ying and the Wens attention.

The mark in Shi Li Qing 's wristband neck slowly turn thick black like in the picture.

The mark in Shi Li Qing 's wristband neck slowly turn thick black like in the picture

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