Chapter 3 : Time before disaster came

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Weeks had passed, The Wens we're still enjoying their time with Shi Li when Wei Wuxian isn't around and busy. Shi Li helps finishing the chores whenever he was bored, he help elders carry heavy things despite of how small he was still and he also help the ones that needed his help. Of course he also help Granny babysitting his Didi, A-Yuan.

Shi Li has learned how to speak and use words but he often struggle so he prefer to not speak much, he doesn't used words to respond but instead he respond using action like nodding, bowing for apologizing and appreciating using the respond "Mn". Wei Wuxian thinks his child is becoming like his "friend", Lan Wangji, even though Shi Li has no connection to Lan Wangji. When Shi Li is with Wei Ying, he tried to talk more even though he struggle, Wei Ying would laugh sometimes at Shi Li whenever he get the word his trying to pronounce wrong but since Wei Ying can read Shi Li easily like a true Dad, he always tell corrects Shi Li's words. Wei Ying was proud to his son hardworking accent, Wei Ying was also thankful to Shi Li because he's giving gifts to his A-Die and Shushu Ning, whenever they arrive home, it always makes Wei Ying's and Wen Ning's day happier.

The Wen sibling also started teaching Shi Li. Wen Qing teaches Shi Li how to speak well, while Wen Ning teaches Shi Li how to fight fierce corpses but since Shi Li always get bruises easily he started training how to dodge on his own and Wen Ning respects Shi Li's decision and was very proud of his nephew. They always train until sun down if they have free time. Wei Wuxian also teaches Shi Li how to dodge while not holding or holding a subject and how to protect a subject while escaping. He then teaches Shi Li how to use demonic cultivation since Shi Li doesn't have a golden core to protect himself from harm, making talismans, controlling resentment energy using Chenqing, he's also teaching Shi Li sword techniques (with wooden sword) and forms that he know when he was using "Suibian" before.

Wei Wuxian gave his "Suibian" as Shi Li's graduated of hardworking training and since he can't use it anymore, the sword recognizes Shi Li as Wei Ying because they have the same blood and appearance. Shi Li was overjoyed to have "Suibian", he couldn't thank his A-Die enough. Wei Ying was laughing to his son's cuteness, Shi Li can't help but hug his A-Die tightly because of how overjoyed he is. Wei Ying was surprised to his sudden embracement and he hug Shi Li back, Wei Ying was hugging Shi Li warmly to make him feel his love upon him.

"A-Shi," Shi Li look up to his A-Die.

"Take care of "Suibian" for me, treat him like a friend. Should and do not leave him behind." Wei Ying saying while smiling warmly at Shi Li as he cup his son's cheek.

"I will, A-Die." Shi Li responded with a smile, "I will, for you" mumbled while continuing to embrace his A-Die's warm hug.

"Huh? Did you say something, A-Shi?" Wei Ying asked Shi Li.

"No, nothing" Shi Li shook his head and looked at Wei Ying with a cute smile.

"Hehe, Ok then.." Wei Ying said and smile back.

A Month Later

Shi Li was taking care of A-Yuan, suddenly he sense someone entered the burial mounds. He handed A-Yuan to Granny and he quickly hide amongs the tents before that person sees him. Shi Li peek outside the tent and saw a man wearing purple robes that's going inside the cave where his Shushu Ning and A-Die was inside also. Shi Li was confuse why the Wens didn't stop the man from getting inside the cave. He was even more confuse when Wen Ning didn't stop the man in purple robes even though Wen Ning is in front of the cave so Shi Li decided to follow the man in the cave, sealing his self so Wen Ning will not notice him and hided behind the rocks to eavesdrop the loud noises until it become clear. Yelling and Arguing was the things he heard after setting foot to his hiding spot.

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