Chapter 1 Hajime's New Copy

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Y/n's POV

I was watching a weird-looking creature in the cave we were in before hearing a Claw Bear's roar. The Claw Bear attacked the Kickmaster Rabbit, killing it with ease before eating it like normal. The weird creature started making a lot of noise as it ran away from the Claw Bear, which noticed the creature because of the noise it was making. As the creature ran away from the Claw Bear, it used its Gale Claw skill to attack the creature, cutting off one of its arms before it used an odd skill to escape into a wall. I decided to stay out of the fight since I couldn't match the Claw Bear's power and continued on my way. I tried to find some other creature to match their skills and get some food, but I eventually heard the howl of a couple of Twin-tailed Wolves. I ignored the wolves and continued hunting for food for myself. Eventually, I found a few weaker monsters which I killed before consuming, which gave me a couple of skills and levels. As time went on, I saw that weird creature a few more times working on something before seeing him looking for something.

The weird creature eventually found the Claw Bear that attacked him before. They started fighting and the weird creature managed to blow off one of the Claw Bear's arms before he ate some of it. He eventually used his weapon to kill the Claw Bear which was amazing to see the creature kill it. The Claw bear is one of the toughest monsters on the on the floor we were on before the creature started breaking down the Claw Bear before using Lightning Field to do something to the meat from the Claw Bear. After the creature did that, it made something odd and placed the parts of the Claw Bear in it. I decided to try something new and mimic the weird creature to see about learning its skills. I focused on every detail the creature had before, imagining myself as the creature. My form shifted until it was a smaller version of the creature. I inspected my new form, trying to figure out how the creature operated. 

After I mimicked the creature, it walked off, not even noticing me. I figured that if I followed him, I'd be able to gain more power and take on monsters like the Claw Bear. The creature that I copied went back to the hole that he dug with his skill before he started walking around, looking for something. I followed him before he found what looked like the set of stairs to the second floor. "Is this creature really going to go to the second floor?" I asked myself. The creature started walking down the stairs, and I followed him slowly. Now and then, he'd stop forcing me to stop as well. The creature would look back as I snuck a few peeks at the creature. "Alright whatever you are, come out now!" The creature demanded. I was a little scared to come out before peeking around to look at the creature again, but as I went to peek, I found myself staring at the creature's weapon. "Alright, what are you?" The creature asked. I shook my head, trying to get the creature not to hurt me. "What are you? And why do you look like me?" The creature asked again.

"Me... Mi...Mimic. C-copy you t-to be strong." I stuttered out, not knowing how to talk with the new form. 

"So you're a mimic. Why'd you copy me? And why do you look like a kid?" The creature asked.

"Y-young m-monster, y-you strong." I explained. The creature lowered his weapon, grumbling something. "Alright. You want to be stronger, huh?" The creature asked. I nodded, looking at him. He sighed and grumbled again before turning around. "Fine, I guess you can stay with me to get stronger. Just put some clothes on please. I'm Hajime by the way." Hajime said.

"What clothes?" I asked. I started micmicing Hajime's words trying to figure out how he talks. "Clothes are something people wear to cover parts that probably shouldn't be seen." Hajime explained. He pulled part of the Claw Bear off  his weird box thing and covered me with it. "There, hopefully that'll last for a while. Do you have similar skills to me?" Hajime asked, turning to continue downstairs. "Skills... fine..." I said. He just looked at me confused before sighing and putting his hand up to the wall and causing it to move as it turned to spikes. "Try something like that." He said. I nodded before trying to do the same thing as him. The skill I copied worked, but it was much slower then Hajime's. "Well You've got my skills, let's get to leveing them up. Also we'll be eating monster meat if we're hungry." Hajime said. I nodded as we continued on our way downstairs. When we got to the second floor it was pitch black and we couldn't see. We felt our way around to see where the second floor was leading us. "Alright, I'm going to give us some light, but it'll probably attract some monsters if I do this. So be ready for anything." Hajime said. I nodded as he pulled out another odd looking device. He lit the rock on the inside of the odd device. The rock lit up the cave before I saw a giant lizard looking creature. The creature hissed at us before its eyes glowed as Hajime pushed me out of the way. I looked at him confused before seeing part of his arm turning to stone. "You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's just some petrification magic." Hajime said, pouring a weird liquid on it. SOme smoke came off the stone before it stopped. "Here, throw this into the air." Hajime said, passing me a weird stick thing. He showed me how to pull the pin on the device before I did and tossed it into the air. I looked at it confused before  a huge flash and loud noise went off. I shut my eyes before hearing a shot from Hajime's weapon. After my eyes adjusted back to the darkness of the second floor I looked at Hajime. "Sorry didn't have time to warn you about what it did. Also I think you need a name of some sort. How about Y/n?" Hajime suggested. I happily nodded before we cooked the basilisk and ate it before moving on.

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