Chapter 6 Recovery at the Mansion

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Y/n's POV

After resting for a while, Yue woke me up shaking my shoulder. "Y/n, I need your help to move Hajime into the room that opened." Yue said. I nodded, getting up and feeling exhausted still, but the two of us slowly got Hajime into the room where we found a mansion and a bed that was outside. The two of us managed to get Hajime onto the bed before Yue started to take care of him. I relaxed and leaned up against the bed before closing my eyes again and falling back to sleep. The next time I woke up, I heard Hajime and Yue talking just above me. "Don't worry, it'll take more than some overgrown snake to kill me." Hajime said.

"Morning." I said, yawning as I looked up at the two of them. 

"Hey, looks like our little mimic is awake, too." Hajime said, turning to see me. Yue was crying a little since she was worried that Hajime was going to die after we finished the fight with the dragon. "So where are we?" Hajime asked.

"We're in the maverick's lair." Yue answered.

"Finally. Alright, why don't you tell me what I missed." Hajime said. Yue told him about everything that happened after we defeated the monster. "Sounds like you both saved me. I owe you both one." Hajime said. Yue looked happy and proud of herself before I realized that both of them were naked. I was confused why stripped both herself and Hajime since Hajime made me cover up when we first met. "So Yue, tell me why the hell am I naked?" Hajime asked.

"You were all dirty, so I cleaned you up. Somehow Y/n wouldn't move when I tried to clean them up, but I at least got you clean." Yue answered. Yue started licking her lips before giggling. Eventually, she brought out some clothes, setting them in front of us in a big pile. I looked over the pile, seeing if there was anything in there that would work for me. Yue eventually came over while talking with Hajime about what she found. She got me into some clothes, which was weird since I still wasn't used to wearing clothes since I normally became the monsters I was fighting. Hajime commented on how bright it was and how it was like the sun before we continued walking around the lair before coming up to an enormous thing that I didn't recognize. "So there's a freaking mansion down here, too?" Hajime asked. 

"I looked around a little, but most of the doors seemed to be locked." Yue mentioned. 

"Guards up. We don't know what waiting in there." Hajime said. We continued walking around the mansion's grounds before Hajime stopped at a pool of water and reached his hand into it. He mentioned how the water was warm before talking about taking a bath. "This is so confusing." I said, completely lost. 

"Right, sorry. You're still quite new to this whole human thing." Hajime said. We eventually headed inside the mansion before trying as many of the doors as possible to see if they were open. "You weren't kidding about the locked doors." Hajime said. 

"Let's check the third floor." Yue suggested.

"May as well." Hajime agreed. The three of us walked up the stairs to the next floor before entering a room that had what looked like a monster skeleton in it. Hajime stepped int othe room which the crystals on the wall lit up, lighting the whole room. "That's weird, it looks like he was waiting for someone." Hajime said. There was a giant magic circle on the floor which Hajime looked at before telling Yue and I to be ready if anything was to happen. He stepped into the circle before it lit up and Hajime gasped. As we waited for him the light from the circle sort of faded before something appeared from the seat where the skeleton was. "Hajime." I said, looking at the person. Hajime looked up seeing the person before grabbing his weapon ready for a fight. "Greetings. My name is Oscar Orcus and I am the man who built this labyrinth. IO congratulate you on surviving my trials. I assume the term maverick is familiar to you?" Oscar said.

"So you're him." Hajime said. 

"I have no doubt you have a great many questions. Unfortunately what you're seeing is only a recording, so I'm afraid your questions must go unanswered. Instead I want to pass a long an important truth." Oscar said. As he was talking he mentioned that he was going to give his power to Hajime asking that what Hajime got was to be used for good. Eventually, the projection faded before Hajime grunted in pain talking about how something was imprinted on his mind. "Holy shit." Hajime said.

"Hajime?" Yue asked.

"The legends are wrong. The mavericks weren't evil... they were liberators." Hajime said.

"What?" I asked.

"What do we do now?" Yue asked.

"As I told you before, I don't give a crap about this world or the people in it. I'm going back home that's all that matters. You feel differently?" Hajime asked. Yue shook her head before walking over to grabbing his hand. "I don't care about anything else. This is where I belong." Yue said. She and Hajime looked at me while I just stood there looking at them. "You coming to my world with us?" Hajime asked. I nodded before walking over to them. "Anyways I learned a new spell. That circle gave me some sort of ancient magic." Hajime said. 

"What's it do?" Yue asked. Hajime explained that he could make better stuff with it while yue mentioned that what he could make was called an artifact. Yue was amazed by it before Hajime offered that she could learn the spell as well. Yue wanted to, but wasn't sure about it since she couldn't use transmute. Yue and I both ended up taking a turn learning the ancient magic spell. After that we buried the skeleton in the yard before looking for other things. hajime found the paper that talked about us getting the the surface before yue discovered a book. She showed it to Hajime before we sat down and they read it. I just looked at them before looking at the book and trying to read it. "Wanna come with us and conquer some labyrinths?" Hajime asked, looking at me. 

"Yeah, it sounds fun." I said. We continued exploring the mansion before finding what looked like a workshop. "There even more stuff in here." Yue said, looking around. Hajime sighed about something while looking a little down. "Something wrong?" I asked.

"Well I was jsut thinking. Maybe we should stay here for a bit. While I wanna get back to the surface. There's still so many things I need to learn. If we're going to face the other labyrinths, we should be as prepared as we possibly can." Hajime said.

"I'm fine with anything as long as you're there." Yue said. After exploring the rest of the mansion together the sky turned dark again before Hajime walked off towards the pool of warm water. "Yue? What's Hajime doing?" I asked, still unsure about what a bath was. 

"How about I show you?" Yue asked. She got up and took off her clothes before lifting me to my feet and doing the same with me. She led me over to the warm pool where Hajime was. She stood there for a moment as Hajime realized that we were there before stepping into the water. "Just walk into the pool, Y/n." Yue said. I walked over and dipped my foot into the pool of water which was warm and kind of freaked me out. I pulled my foot out before looking at Yue who just smiled and giggled. She waved for me to come back into the water before Hajime looked at me. "Don't worry, this water is used to just clean dirt and other stuff off your body." Hajime explained. I just nodded before walking into the water again. I sat down next to Yue before Yue and Hajime started having fun and splashing around in the water. Once Yue and Hajime stopped splashing around in the water she taught me how to clean myself. The three of us spent the next two months doing everything we could to get stronger. For me is mostly consisted of practice magic while mimicking Yue or practicing fight with Hajime. When We finished training me my mimicry skill had improved some and I could easily copy any monster I saw. Although during training Hajime pointed out that because my skill had improved and I was around Yue more something about me looked different. Yue found out that my mimicry skilled ended up copying her gender while my combination form of Hajime and Yue remained similar. Yue actually started calling me her daughter while Hajime was unsure about it at first before he also started calling me his daughter. We were in the magic circle ready to take us to the surface after we had made sure that we had everything prepped for our journey. Hajime also made me some new clothes with his skills. It was similar to mama Yue's, but in F/c.

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