Chapter 5

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Y/n's POV

The three of us entered the room which was filled with giant crystals. "Woah." Hajime said. We walked down the stairs heading into the middle of the room. "This is some entrance way. Check out those pillars. Think we made it?" Hajime said. 

"To the maverick's lair?" Yue asked. We reached the bottom of the stairs and on the other end of the room I could see a set of doors. "Hope so. Cause that means we're one step closer, we'll beat whatever's down here and then get the hell out." Hajime said. Yue took my hand along with Hajime's before the three of us walked forward together. The room started shaking ebfore we rushed back as a giant magic circle appeared in the middle of the room. "Hey look, see how huge that circle is. This has got to be the big boss." Hajime said.

"Don't worry, we're strong we won't lose." Yue said.

"Hell no, we're taking this bastard down." Hajime said. There was a blinding light before a giant multiheaded dragon stood before us. Hajime set his gun down while the dragon looked at us for a moment. The dragon slammed it's tail on the ground before firing a fireball at us. The three of us jumped out of the way avoiding the attack before trying to attack ourselves. I transformed into the lizard with the pertifrication eyes hoping that I could petrify one of the dragon's heads without getting hurt. A few of the other heads attacked Hajime and Yue, but their attacks hurt the dragon as well. My petrifrication attack had one of the heads petrified before a white head in the middle started glowing and healing the other heads. "It looks like the white one heals it." Yue said.

"Alright in that case, that one's the first to die!" Hajime shouted, aiming at the white dragon head. The Blue, red and green dragon heads moved up to protect the white dragon head before attacking. "Yue!" Hajime shouted. Yue flew up into the air while Hajime went to get his attack ready. The three heads attacked him while Yue used a spell to try and hit the white dragon head. The yellow dragon head raised up and blocked the magic attack  before being healed by the white dragon head. "Okay, so the yellow one is on defense, one heals, one attacks, one defends. You're a well rounded beastie, aren't ya?" Hajime asked. He stepped forward and shot the dragon a few times before having to reload. Yue went to use a spell called "Imperial Cannon" but was knocked away by one of the heads before a black dragon head stayed in front of her as it's eyes glowed. Yue stopped moving and talking before I rushed over and tried getting her to move, but she wouldn't budge. She screamed no as she fell to her knees lookking at the dragon head. It came to attack us, but I stood in front of Yue ready to protect her before Hajime shot the dragon head. "Get the hell away from them!" Hajime shouted. He grabbed us before looking at me. "Toss a grenade back there." Hajime orderd. I nodded and took one of his grenades before throwing it at the dragon. It exploded and covered the dragon in flames while Hajime used his transmute skill to make a barrier. "Keep an eye on that thing for a second would you, Y/n?" Hajime asked. I nodded and watched around the barrier as Hajime tried to get Yue to wake up. 

I thought about transforming into the dragon thing, but for some reason I couldn't do it. I turned back to Hajime and Yue, but saw Hajime pressing his lips against Yue's which confused me a little. "Listen up, we'll kill that thing and get out of here. We'll get to the surface and find a way home. You, me and Y/n." Hajime said. I peeked back around the barrier and saw the dragon's heads coming towards us. "Hajime, it's coming around the other side!" I shouted. Hajie raised his gun and shot the dragon head that came over the barrier wounding it. "That's settled. Now how do we take it out? I'll try Schlagen, but I can only fire one shot at a time so I'll need cover." Hajime said.

"We're on it." Yue and I said. I used my mimicry skill and copied Yue perfectly so I could have all of her spells and skills. The two of us rushed out from behind cover standing in front of the dragon while casting multiple spells at the same time. The black dragon head came out from behind and tried to use it's power on Yue again, but she casted a lightning spell hurting it before the head rushed over to Hajime while he broke out of and shot the head. It roared and backed up before Hajime revealed his gun and fired it. He managed to hit three of the six heads before Yue and I casted "Heavenly Blade" killing the rest of the heads. Yue and I fell to our knees while my perfect mimicry of Yue faded and I became a mix of them again. Hajime was walking towards us before we lookked up and saw one final dragon head looking at us. It turned towards Yue and I before firing it's breath attack at us. Hajime jumped in front of us and held Schlagen out in front of him to protect us from the attack. Yue and I got up after the attack and hajime dropped Schlagen which shattered once it hit the ground. Hajime fell backwards with his right side bleeding from where his eyes normally was. "No!" Yue shouted. Blood was starting to pouraround his body while Yue took the holy water he had. The dragon fired another attack at Yue and Hajime, which blocked my sight of them for second as I looked at the dragon in anger. "You killed him!" I shouted.

I felt my mana growing out of control as I felt my body shift as I grew larger. I looked down seeing that I had become the dragon somehow. I roared as I fired it's attack back at the dragon before hearing and sensing Yue moving. I could feel Hajime's magic lingering, but it wasn't a lot. The dragon continued it's attack even as I did my best to hurt it with it's own attacks. Yue came out from behind the cover before trying to shoot the dragon. When it tried to attack her I used my own dragon head to block it's attacks, but as it fired it's giant attack againt I couldn't move fast enough to completely cover Yue which let her get hurt. I let out a roar again as it went to attack her before managing to use my own giant attack against it. The attack landed before I sensed Hajime's energy and magic again. I couldn't tell what he was saying to Yue, but he was moving faster then before. I continued to attack hoping that Hajime and Yue were coming up with a plan to defeat the dragon. I could tell my attacks were dealing some damage to the dragon, but Hajime rushed forward shooting the dragon before I saw him using the grenades on the roof.

I stayed back and relaxed as my mimicry of the dragon faded as Hajime dropped the roof on the dragon. He used transmute on the floor to pirece the dragon's body with spikes I matched Yue and casted two "Azure Blaze" Spell on the dragon at the same time. We all fell to our knees after the fight before I managed to get up and walk over to Yue and Hajime before collapsing next to them. "Wake me up when we can move again." I said. 

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