If only everyone saw,
The world the way you do,
With love and compassion,
Empathy and devotion.You're the ocean of kindness,
The sea of happiness,
Everything is beautiful because,
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.For the good of all,
And the harm of none,
You're the supreme friend and well wisher,
And although you're surrounded by like,
You're self sufficient, you need no pleasing.Alas but not everyone is you,
Our eyes are the windows to the soul,
But your eyes, the lotus eyes,
Are the windows to the eternal truth.
Letters Of Love - Divine Devotion
Spiritual"All of these skies and earths, the winds and breeze are witness to My Love. They shall carry My message to My Lord for I eagerly wait for Him to come to Me." How beautiful is this world where we can see a reflection of the Divine everywhere around...