As He plays His flute,
I'm transported to a different land, a different time,
Every leaf of every tree rejoices in merry,
Every fruit blossoms, each flower blooms,
Spring, the season of love, is alive,
What magic does the flute hide?I collect the flowers fallen on the ground,
Cupping my palms carefully so that they don't slip off,
And I whirl them at Keshav's lotus feet,
Closing my eyes, I say a silent prayer."Hey Keshav, take care of everyone,
Have mercy on us and forgive our mistakes,
You're the ocean of kindness,
The sky of love,
The soothing earth for those who have fallen,
The strong rock for those who need upliftment."He opens His eyes, and brings the music to a halt,
As if He actually heard the tone of my heart,
And looking at me, He smiles and speaks,
"If I'm the ocean, you're the drop,
You're the clouds in my sky,
You're the fresh saplings planted on my earth,
And the beautiful boulder on which I can rest my shoulder."Keshav is truly magical, both with His flute and His words,
How can anyone express love so beautifully,
Smitten with His words and magic,
But then I slowly recall how,
This is Keshav's Paradise,
And He is the epitome of love,
Where everything is possible,
And love comes effortlessly to each being.
Letters Of Love - Divine Devotion
Spiritual"All of these skies and earths, the winds and breeze are witness to My Love. They shall carry My message to My Lord for I eagerly wait for Him to come to Me." How beautiful is this world where we can see a reflection of the Divine everywhere around...