Chapter Nine: One Step Closer

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June 22 2025

Three days have passed since the incident at Colossus. Rebecca was at Atlas headquarters as she was helping them stop Hades from using the celerium device. The team also has a new lead on Hades. There was a KVA doctor name Pierre Danois who is Hades right hand man. He was last spotted in a abandoned hospital in Detroit, Michigan. The city was in ruins after the KVA launched multiple nuclear attacks around the world.

The time was eight twenty three p.m. Rain poured heavily in the city as silence was heard around the streets. The team were moving through the streets as they were making their way towards the hospital.

Benjamin: Four years of tracking down Hades and we found his right hand man.

Michael: If we capture him. He'll tell us Hades next move and his current location.

Jack: That's right. Come on, let's keep going. We're almost at the hospital.

Anne: The hospital is heavily guarded and if we alert them. Then they will immediately move the doctor somewhere else.

Chris: That means stealth is our only option.

The team continued moving through the streets as they looked at the locator as they were close to the hospital. They continued moving until they noticed some trucks driving as they hid inside the store and watched the trucks drive by.

The teams knows that the KVA are patrolling the city now and need to be more careful. They continued moving through the streets as they noticed a security checkpoint and KVA soldiers were guarding the area.

The team continued moving through the streets without alerting the KVA as they managed to sneak past the checkpoint and continued moving forward.

They used the locator and continued moving the streets until they noticed the hospital and continued walking towards it until they heard a sound.

The team hid inside a shop as they saw multiple drones scanning the area as the team managed to avoid the drones and got inside the hospital as all they saw the building was in ruins and silence was only heard in the hospital.

Chris: The Doctor is at his office on the top floor.

Jack: Let's do this quietly.

Benjamin: And avoid the drones

Michael: Alright, Let's move through the hospital.

Anne: If we get spotted. We have to take them out using our silencers.

The team began moving through the stairs and made it to the third floor until they heard footsteps as they took cover and saw some KVA soldiers walking around as they saw the hostiles walking down the stairs and the team continued moving.

There was a KVA soldier walking around until Alex grabbed the soldier and stabbed him in the head as the hostile was dead.

There was another KVA soldier as Michael hit a hip toss in the hostile and shot him in the face as he was dead.

The team continued moving as they made it to the fifth floor and continued making their way towards the doctors office.

There was a KVA soldier walking around until Jack hit a hurricarana and shot the hostile in the face as the enemy was dead.

There was another KVA soldier as Benjamin grabbed the hostile and smashed his head on the wall before he threw him on the ground and shot the hostile in the face.

Another KVA soldier heard a sound as he continued moving forward until Anne grabbed the hostile and hit a arm drag on the enemy and shot the hostile in the face.

A KVA soldier heard a sound as he began towards the source of the sound until Chris stabbed the soldier in the chest before shooting the hostile in the face.

The team began walking through the stairs as they made it to the top floor and saw the office.

The team walked towards the office and kicked the door down as they took multiple KVA soldiers and the room was clear.

The team saw the doctor hiding under the table as they grabbed him and threw him on the ground as he began talking.

Jack: So where's your buddy, Hades?

Pierre: I won't talk.

Michael: That's what they all say. Just before you scream as we break your bones.

Anne: So I suggest you start talking.

Pierre: You think this changes anything? You have no idea what he's capable of. You are all dead!

Benjamin and Chris kicked Pierre in the face as he was unconscious and they spoke to each other.

Benjamin: Let's get him back to base.

Chris: Hopefully we can tell us where Hades is hiding.

The team nodded as they grabbed Pierre and left the hospital as they got inside a truck and began driving away as they made their way towards the extraction site where a chopper was waiting for them and take them back to the headquarters.

The team made it to the extraction site as they all got inside the chopper and the chopper began flying away from Detroit.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :D

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