Chapter Fifteen: Reaction

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July 26 2025

Scientist: This is Manticore

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Scientist: This is Manticore. A biological agent designed to target specific genotypes. If your DNA signature isn't in the Atlas database, you're dead.

Mercer: So he could drop this in the middle of a battle. His troops live, ours die.

Scientist: That's right. Contact with even a single spore is fatal. Chem suits are useless.

Mercer: Is it operational?

Scientist: Unknown, but because he produced this sample. He could already be manufacturing it at an industrial scale.

Mercer: If he is. We need to know where it is and stop it. It's the only way we bring Saul down.

Sentinel Operative: Problem is, Atlas has dozens of sites capable of mass production. We need more time to figure out where they're producing it.

Mercer nodded as he was looking at the screen of a map which showed multiple Atlas facilities around the world along with the sample of Manticore as he was thinking about where Saul was manufacturing Manticore.

August 4 2025

The team were in a helicopter as it was flying towards a lumber factory located in Bulgaria. They got intel that Atlas was producing Manticore at a large scale. Their objective is getting inside the laboratory and get intel on Manticore and after that, destroy the Manticore supply.

The team used a zip line and made their way towards the forest as they were fixing their weapons and suits.

The team used a zip line and made their way towards the forest as they were fixing their weapons and suits

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Michael: Alright, we're almost at the facility.

Jack: Stealth is our only option. We can't mess this up.

Chris: We have to avoid the drones along with guards and ASTs.

Anne: Once we make it to the laboratory. We transfer the intel on the data drive.

Benjamin: After that, we destroy the Manticore supply and get out of here.

The team continued moving through the forest as they activated the cloaking device in their suits and continued making their way towards the facility.

The team noticed a convoy as they sneaked past the convoy and continued moving forward. The team noticed some guards walking around along with ASTs guarding the area.

The team sneaked past the hostiles as they continued moving forward until they noticed a drone surveying the area. The team sneaked past the drone and continued moving forward as they were looking at the locater.

The team noticed a seeker drone patrolling the area as they stayed hidden and waited for the drone to leave. Seeker drones can detect hostiles even if they are using a cloaking device. The drone left the area as the team were close to the facility and moved forward.

The team eventually made it to the facility as they saw the area was heavily guarded.

Michael: We're here. We just need to find a way to get inside.

Anne: Our cloaking devices can help us get inside. Only problem is the seeker drones.

Benjamin: We have no choice. We have to sneak past the hostiles.

Jack: Your right. We don't have any other option.

Chris: Alright. Let's move in and get inside that laboratory.

The team activated the cloaking devices and continued making their way towards the facility. They managed to sneak past some guards near the front gate and continued moving forward.

There were multiple seeker drones along with ASTs and guards surveying the area as the team stayed hidden and continued moving forward while avoiding detection from the hostiles.

Eventually the team made it to the front door and entered the facility as they continued making their way towards the laboratory. They managed to sneak past some guards and continued moving forward.

The team entered the elevator and the elevator began taking them to the lower levels as the doors were opened and the team were at the laboratory as they began looking around.

Chris: No one's here.

Michael: Looks like everyone left for the day.

Anne: There's the console. Let's transfer all the information to the data drive.

The team walked towards the console as they began transferring all the files into the data drive as they were looking around the laboratory.

Benjamin: How much longer?

Jack: There's a lot of files. We need three more minutes.

The team were looking at the security camera as everyone is alright so far. After three minutes, the transfer was done as the team got the data drive and spoke to Mercer.

Alex: Mercer, We got the intel.

Mercer: [On Radio] Copy that. Destroy the Manticore supply. The extraction chopper will be waiting for you at the forest.

The team nodded as the team continued moving through the laboratory as they avoided the seeker drones and continued moving forward until they saw the large supply of manticore.

The team placed some explosives on the manticore supply and began walking back and detonated it as a explosion was seen and Manticore was destroyed.

The facility was on high alert as the team managed to sneak past the guards and left the facility as they began making their way towards the forest.

The team continued navigating through the forest until they saw the extraction chopper as they got inside the chopper and it began flying away as the team was looking at the facility and Mercer spoke to them.

Mercer: [On Radio] We destroyed Manticore. Now we need to take down Saul.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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