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I watched as Benito cleaned up my wound. I know he said he was only helping me because he didn't want me ruining the couch, but the way he was attending to me made me feel good?

It felt like he cared.

The way he examined my cut carefully, the way his fingers pressed into my wound to make the bleeding slow down, the way that concentration filled his face.

He was a dick most of the time but in this moment it was just different.

"Okay all done, I'll clean up the glass."

"Thanks I guess."

"Yeah whatever."

When he finished putting the stuff away he walked out.

I went into the room I was staying in.

I checked the time and Natalia should be home soon.

I sat on the bed and put on a movie.

I tried concentrating on the movie but I just couldn't no matter how hard I tried, I kept going back to the moment Benito and I shared earlier.

Why am I feeling this way for Benito Martinez? I can't possibly be feeling this way for him. I can't.

I hate him. Right?


Is that all it took for me to feel this way, really Love?

No. I can't possibly be having feelings for him right?


I needed to kill whatever it was I was feeling towards him, now.

I laughed to myself. I didn't like him. I was sick. The food I ate hopefully gave me food poisoning. That was it, it had to be.

Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.

I Love To Hate You|Bad BunnyWhere stories live. Discover now