vi ~ A Positively Precious Pink Poodle

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chapter six ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
006. A Positively Precious Pink Poodle

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Cassie felt energized, but her fellow quest mates were pretty miserable.

She wasn't happy of course, just more entertained by the fighting they had done.

Annabeth was getting on her nerves as usual, but she didn't want to fall asleep.

They had found a place in the woods to stay for the night. It was where all the kids came for parties apparently, due to the flattened ground and left over trash.

There was very little lighting as none of them risked making a fire. It would attract more monsters. Plus, the Furies and Medusa were enough for one day.

Percy offered to take the first watch so the others could sleep.

Annabeth was out as soon as her head touched the ground.

Cassie was standing, staring at her sword while leaning against a tree.

Grover flew up to a low branch on a different tree and rested there, staring at the sky.

"Go ahead and sleep. I'll wake you if there's trouble." Percy told them.

Cassie shrugged but mustered a thankful smile. Grover nodded but his eyes stayed wide open.

"It makes me sad, Percy."

"What does? The fact that you signed up for this stupid quest?" Percy quipped earning a laugh from Cassie.

"No. This makes me sad." Grover pointed to the trashy floor. "And the sky. You can't even see the stars. They've polluted the sky. This is a terrible time to be a satyr."

"Oh, yeah. I guess you'd be an environmentalist."

Grover glared. "Only a human wouldn't be. Your species is clogging up the world so fast . . . ah, never mind. It's useless to lecture a human. At the rate things are going, I'll never find Pan."

"You make it sound like we're aliens." Cassie joked as she sat down. Her sword disappeared in a red flash.

"Pam? Like the cooking spray?" Percy asked stupidly.

"Pan! P-A-N. The great god Pan! What do you think I want a searcher's license for?" Grover corrected.

"Tell me about the search?"

Cassie listened to their conversation, refraining from speaking. She was busy thinking about her friends, siblings, and . . . possibly her father. Not that she'd ever admit it.

"How are we going to get into the Underworld? I mean, what chance do we have against a god?" Percy changed the topic.

He punched Cassie's shoulder lightly, bringing her back to reality. She glanced up at him unimpressed.

"I don't know. But back at Medusa's, when you were searching her office? Annabeth was telling me-" Grover spoke.

"Oh, I forgot. Annabeth will have a plan all figured out." Percy retorted.

"Don't be so hard on her, Percy. She's had a tough life, but she's a good person-" Cassie scoffed, rolling her eyes as Grover continued.

"After all, she forgave me . . ."

"What do you mean? Forgave you for what?"

Cassie lightly smacked Percy, shaking her head. She sent Grover a small smile which he was grateful for.

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