xvii ~ Another Pawn Comes Into Play

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chapter seventeen ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
017. Another Pawn Comes Into Play

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All good things come to an end.

A quote most were aware of, especially when they're a half-blood. But it didn't all start off terribly.

Grover informed Percy that he'd be spending the rest of the summer at Camp. Afterwards he'd return to his quest for Pan.

That wasn't the bad news. Neither was the fact that Grover's search time had been extended and that he got new reed pipes.

It was the constant playing of said reed pipes that hurt everyone's ears.

He played "YMCA," and the strawberry plants went all out. They grabbed Percy, Annabeth, and Cassie's legs trying to strangle them.

If you heard Grover's playing you wouldn't blame them.

The satyr had offered to disconnect the empathy link between him and Percy, but the latter declined.

Percy wanted to keep it if that was alright.

Grover paused from his playing. "But, if I get in trouble again, you'll be in danger, Percy! You could die!"

"If you get in trouble again, I want to know about it. And I'll come help you again, G-man. I wouldn't have it any other way." The son of Poseidon explained.

Percy was pretty convincing because in the end, Grover ended up leaving the link be.

He went back to playing "YMCA" completely off pitch for the strawberry plants to enjoy.

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Later in the day, Cassie was busy at the archery range. She was helping some Apollo kids learn how to shoot better.

Will Solace was helping out too. He was more in charge of watching Cassie teach. Chiron may or may not have wanted a medic nearby.

Especially when the Stoll Twins would interrupt a couple times, waving around their bows.

That's when then centaur pulled Percy out to talk to him about Meriwether Prep.

Percy had told Cassie that that was the name of his school, which had the gymnasium he ruined.

But luckily, the school no longer believed Percy destroyed the gym and the cops didn't care anymore.

"How did you manage that?" The son of Poseidon inquired.

Chiron's eyes had a sparkle in them Percy didn't recognize.

"I merely suggested that the mortals had seen something different on that day-a furnace explosion that was not your fault."

"You just said that and they bought it?"

"I manipulated the Mist. Some day, when you're ready, I'll show how it's done."

"You mean, I can go back to Meriwether next year?"

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