iv ~ Lava is Great Dish Soap

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chapter four ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
004. Lava is Great Dish Soap

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It was their fault.

At least accordingly to Tantalus it was. Cassie, Annabeth, Percy, and Tyson had provoked the Stymphalian birds to attack.

They would've just stayed in the trees if it wasn't for the four's bad driving.

Cassie didn't understand how that worked because she was literally in Clarisse, the winner's chariot.

Obviously logistics didn't matter to Tantalus. Especially not when Percy told him to chase a doughnut.

That was the best laugh Cassie had had in a while.

The four were punished to underground kitchen duty with the harpies.

Problem is that the harpies washed with lava, not water so Percy, Cassie, and Annabeth had to wear an apron and gloves.

It didn't affect Tyson who just dunked his hands in the lava and got to work. The heat was unbearable and Cassie swore she'd never sweat that much in her life.

What's worse, is that Tantalus held a special feast to celebrate Clarisse's victory. So there was three times as many dishes to wash.

But the kitchen duty did give the three plenty of time for Percy to try and convince Annabeth again.

Cassie believed him. Percy knew from the small smile she sent when he brought the topic up again.

This time, with the help of a certain brunette, Percy persuaded Annabeth to consider that this was real.

"If he's really found it, and if we could retrieve it—"  Percy cut her off.

"Hold on. You act like this . . . whatever-it-is Grover found is the only thing in the world that could save the camp. What is it?"

"I'll give you a hint. What do you get when you skin a ram?" Annabeth asked.


"Lamb chops?"

Annabeth raised an eyebrow in disappointment.

"A fleece. The coat of a ram is called a fleece. And if that ram happens to have golden wool—"

"The Golden Fleece. Are you serious?" Percy questioned.

"No Kelp Head. She's Annabeth, not serious." Cassie laughed.

Percy's sent Cassie a 'really' look which she just nodded back to.

"Percy, remember the Gray Sisters? They said they knew the location of the thing you seek. And they mentioned Jason. Three thousand years ago, they told him how to find the Golden Fleece. You do know the story of Jason and the Argonauts?" Annabeth stopped the two's conversation, returning to the subject at hand.

"What about me." Cassie remarked crossing her arms.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Carter, I know you know about the Argonauts."

"Yeah Chase, and your point is?"

Annabeth shook her head playfully and turned back to Percy.

Percy got the jest of it and nodded.

"Yeah. That old movie with the clay skeletons."

Annabeth's trust in Percy knowing anything was now a -50.

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