v ~ Trespassing on the Princess Andromeda

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chapter five ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
005. Trespassing on the Princess Andromeda

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Cassie was exhausted and currently being dragged.

According to Annabeth, her and Tyson heard Percy crying for help.

Cassie heard none of the sort but she'd also been drifting in and out of consciousness for the past hour.

So much for avoiding Annabeth when she kept getting found. Like how the blonde was the one dragging her right now.

They found Percy staring off into the distance on the beach.

"What's going on? I heard you calling for help!" Annabeth asked.

"Me, too! Heard you yell, 'Bad things are attacking!'" Tyson agreed.

"I didn't hear anything but I was brought here against my will." Cassie remarked, plopping onto the sad.

"I didn't call you guys. I'm fine." Percy reassured.

"But then who . ." Annabeth saw the things Percy was holding "What-"

"Just listen. We don't have much time."

"When do we ever?" Cassie replied.

Percy explained his whole meeting with Hermes and when he finished, the harpies were catching their scent and screeching.

"Percy, we have to do the quest." Annabeth informed.

"We'll get expelled, you know. Trust me, I'm an expert at getting expelled."

"So? If we fail, there won't be any camp to come back to."

"You can get some more experience in being expelled." Cassie grinned, watching the sand flow through the gaps between her fingers.

"Yeah, but you promised Chiron-"

"We promised we'd keep you from danger. We can only do that by coming with you! Tyson can stay behind and tell them-" Annabeth got interrupted.

"I want to go." The cyclops said.

"No! I mean . . . Percy, come on. You know that's impossible." Annabeth's voice quivered.

Cassie rolled her eyes, standing up.

"Chase, if your gonna start again with this whole 'Cyclops are blood thirsty monsters! Let's run away!' thing. You're not coming with us."

"Carter, you don't know half of it!"

"Then explain would you! All we know is that you're being a jerk."

"Just shut up for once!"

Cassie scowled and turned away from Annabeth.

'Stupid Chase and her stupid stubbornness.'

Percy glanced between the two and weighed his options. Part of him didn't want to bring Tyson.

There was a huge possibility that the cyclops would start crying during a monster attack, resulting in their deaths.

But, Percy also wanted to keep the big guy safe and the harpies were drawing near.

"We can't leave him. Tantalus will punish him for us being gone." Percy reasoned.

"Percy were going to Polyphemus's island! Polyphemus is an S-i-k. . . a C-y-k . . ."

Annabeth huffed in annoyance and Cassie snickered. Not matter how intelligent the blonde was, she had dyslexia just like the rest of them.

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