vii ~ Hey Sis... Long Time No See

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chapter seven ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
007. Hey Sis... Long Time No See

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Free falling to their death, fun!

Well for Cassie it was, but her friends didn't seem amused.

"Thermos!" Percy shouted.

"What?" Annabeth screamed over the rushing wind as they fell.

The blonde was holding on tight to the boat straps. One hand was intertwined with Cassie's and holding onto the boat.

Annabeth was pretty talented.

Since she wasn't very helpful, Tyson searched the duffel bag and got out Hermes' magic thermos while still holding onto the boat.

Maybe they both were talented.

Cassie was busy dodging arrows and javelins as Percy took the thermos.

"Hang on!"

He had no clue what he was doing but he hoped it worked.

"I am hanging on!" Annabeth replied.


Cassie glared at Percy because now her hand was surely turning purple from the daughter of Athena's grip.

The son of Poseidon locked his feet under the boat's bench. Tyson grabbed Percy and Annabeth's back and Annabeth had a tight grip on Cassie.

Percy barely opened the Thermos when a huge gust of wind shot out.

It sent them sideways instead of downward and they hit the ocean, bouncing up and down a few times.

Now forget what Cassie said about fun. It was hard to have fun when her hair was whipping in her face and she couldn't fix it.

The little sea spray was refreshing though as they stared off into the endless sea.

An angry shout came from the Princess Andromeda, but whoever it was couldn't do anything.

They were out of reach and getting farther and farther away.

Soon, the cruise disappeared out of sight.

Cassie relaxed, knowing they'd be stuck on the boat for a while. Percy and Annabeth made an effort to Iris-message Chiron.

The centaur was the only person they really knew they could trust.

Creating a rainbow was easy because the refreshing sea spray made one with help from the sun's rays.

The connection sucked though. Annabeth had thrown in a gold drachma and prayed.

Soon enough, Chiron's familiar face popped up but there was distracting noise in the background and flashing lights.

"Wow Chiron, retirement's really going well for you." Cassie remarked before taking Annabeth's hat.

The blonde didn't protest and Cassie placed it on her own head to block out the sun.

Percy did most of the explaining. Them sneaking out of came, Luke and his ship, and Kronos' carcass.

But with the blaring in Chiron's background and the whistle of the wind on their end, Percy didn't know how much he understood.

"Percy, you have to watch out for—" Chiron was interrupted by cheering.

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