viii ~ The Nemean Lion Gets a Nauseating Snack

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chapter eight ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
008. The Nemean Lion Gets a Nauseating Snack

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The daughter of Ares wiped away her tears. Jeez was this the most she's cried in a week.

Cassie went to the bathroom and got ready. She came out in an orange camp half-blood shirt, red flannel, and black sweat pants. Lacing up her red converse high tops, Cassie swung her backpack over her shoulder.

The brunette covered her already red, tear-stained eyes with her flame-shaped sunglasses. She took one last look in the mirror and was about to head out when Thalia walked in.

"You ready to go?" The daughter of Zeus asked.

"As ready as ever." Cassie shrugged.

Thalia threw an arm around her and the two left Ares Cabin. It was the crack of dawn so not many people were awake.

Cassie's siblings were healing in the infirmary after getting their limbs broken. Curtesy to the Hunters of Artemis.

The brunette had already bid Percy, the Stolls, and Nico goodbye the previous night. All that was left was finding with Zoë, Bianca, and Grover.

Speaking of which, the rest of their group was currently waiting atop Half-Blood Hill for the girls.

"Hurry. We must leave to find Lady Artemis as soon as possible." Zoë Nightshade called.

"Yeah yeah, don't forget about Annabeth too." Cassie reminded with yawn.

"And thy daughter of Athena 'just' friend." Zoë nodded.

The two were surprisingly civil but whatever grudge they held wasn't as serious as Thalia and Zoë's. The daughter of Zeus kept a heated glare towards the lieutenant.

"You know, I heard about what happened with Phoebe and was thinking—" Cassie got cut off.

"No that boy can't join us. Now come along." Zoë beckoned as they began down the hill, towards Argus' white van.

Cassie sighed and Thalia shot her a reassuring smile. "Fish face will be fine Cas. He needs to learn to fend for himself anyways."

"That's not what I'm worried about." Cassie knew Percy and he always found a way of getting involved even when he's not supposed to.

Thalia just shook her head in exasperation. "Well then stop stressing."

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Cassie was definitely stressing. She almost slammed against the left wall of the van as Zoë curved right.

"Where do you learn how to drive?" Thalia shouted as she also went flying.

"Did you even learn how to drive?!" Cassie yelped.

Zoë turned a hard left, earning herself a car horn from nearby. "Of course I know how to drive. How dare thee insult me."

"It's not an insult. You're just a terrible driver."

This time the lieutenant curved on purpose and Cassie smacked her head on the van wall.

"I hate you," she grumbled.

Zoë grinned back at her from the rear-view mirror. The daughter of Ares stuck her middle finger up.

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