i ~ Bullriding At Its Finest

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chapter one ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
001. Bullriding At Its Finest

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Cassie didn't wake up to be leading a fight against mechanical bulls. But being a demigod, she had learned to deal with it.

Especially now when their only sense of protection to keep these monsters at bay was dying.

That morning, Annabeth had IM'd Cassie that she was getting Percy. Cassie wanted to go with, but the present dilemma held her back.

The daughter of Athena and Percy were currently staring up at the burning camp with another companion.

A friend of Percy's from his school, Tyson.

"Oh, man." Annabeth gasped as she watched the campers fighting the bulls.

They were failing badly, but Percy was more concerned with the bulls who were passing the camp boundary lines.

Thalia's tree barriers protected that part so how could the fire-breathing bulls get through?

"Border patrol, get your flaming asses over here! Clarisse, help me command! Stolls, I need a boost!" Ordered a familiar bored voice that was normally a lot more excited during battle.

"What are you doing Cassie?!" Another voice yelled. It was raspy and harsh.

Percy didn't remember any border patrol.

"It's Carter . . . and Clarisse. Come on, we have to help her—I mean them." Annabeth urged Percy.

The son of Poseidon wasn't fond of helping Clarisse. Not after his close encounter with the toilet last year as a welcoming.

Her dad, Ares, also hated Percy after their fight so all his children disliked Percy too.

Except, the only daughter of Ares who considered him one of her best friends and vice versa.

That daughter of Ares could also use his help so Percy obliged.

Besides, they both needed the assistance. Most of the campers were running in circles on fire. The grass was aflame too.

Cassie almost sliced the head off of a camper who was rushing around with his helmets' feather on fire.

Her armor was badly singed and there were an abundance of scars on her arms. Some open and bleeding.

From what Percy could tell, Cassie had grown over the year.

She was now taller than Annabeth and her jagged short brown hair had highlights of red.

He was surprised it hadn't burned off by now from the fire-breathing bulls.

Cassie had her usual electric sword, flickering red and Clarisse fought with the bottom half of a broken spear.

The other half could be found in a mechanical bull's shoulder.

Percy got out his pen and uncapped it. Riptide appeared and he looked to Tyson.

"Tyson, stay here. I don't want you taking any more chances."

"No! We need him." Annabeth informed.

Percy made a face. "He's mortal. He got lucky with the dodge balls but he can't—"

"Percy do you know what those are up there? The Colchis bulls, made by Hephaestus himself. We can't fight them without Medea's Sunscreen SPF 50,000. We'll get burned to a crisp."

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