The Associates

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"We have seen a twenty percent increase in the FFE4C4 two seater revenue, this is ten percent higher than last quarter, what's your excuse?" Mr. Jackson is talking to Neil who rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. They've been going back and forth for thirty minutes now, and my only consolation is glancing at Lorie next to me like I'm breaking the fourth wall. She smiles and shrugs tiredly as I lean back in my seat.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out absentmindedly, glancing at it under the table to see Vance's message.

'Pretty sure Rowan is asleep.'

I look up to the old man to the left of the table, his eyes are open but he's breathing really hard. I glance back to Vance who sits to my right in a corner with his phone up to his face as he smiles.

"How's tacos for lunch?" Lorie whispers next to me and I turn to her with a nod. "I wanted to ask you if it would be alright for Vance to take a week off for Callahan's grand opening in Bellingham." I open my mouth to speak but Neil is in the middle of his loud rebuttal.

"And the other thing is, that your mother—"

"Okay!" I say, pushing myself up to stand at the head of the table. "Lovely seeing you all, please have your reports emailed to Wyatt by the end of the day." They stand and I nod for Vance to follow me out, only Lorie also follows close behind because we have lunch.

"Have you ran this by him?" I whisper at her doubtfully as we walk down the corporate hallway.

"I didn't want to get his hopes up if he's not going to be able to take the week." She says with a shrug and I find myself glancing down at her perfect round breasts for half a second.

Vance could use the break, but a week away seems like a dreadfully long time for me who spends everyday with him.

"Mr. Ambrose is in a peculiar position, but I can work it out. It is ultimately up to him." I say calmly which makes Lorie smile brightly. She really likes him from what I can see, but if they slept together, how would she feel about the carving on his chest?

Lorie walks ahead, probably to get a head-start towards the parking lot, when Vance comes to walk next to me.

"You better not be pawning me out." He whispers.

"I'm not." I say dryly, smiling at employees who make eye contact on our way to the elevator. Once inside, Vance hits our button and leans on the mirrored back wall with a frown. "I'm not." I repeat myself with a pout that makes him roll his eyes. I reach back and hit the emergency stop button, making his hazel eyes dart between my hand and my face suspiciously. "I don't care how many trees you bark up," I admit while closing the distance between us. "Or how many beds you want to roll in," I place a hand on his chest and smile as he closes his eyes. "As long as you're a good dog and you return home when you're done."

Vance chuckles and opens his eyes to look down at me before reaching for the neck of my sweater. He pulls it and peeks inside humorously. "You're worried if you open the door I'll run?" He whispers with a smirk, his thumb coming up to my chin as he drops to my ear. "The door has always been wide open, if you don't want me to run, lock it." I scoff and pull away to hit the button again, only this time he takes a hold of my hip and pulls me against him.

"What's the fun in that?" I ask as I look up see his dark gaze. I lean forward, making sure to press my ass on him as I hit the emergency stop button again.

"Fucking mother above." He growls and suddenly his hand is around my neck and he's pulling me to a kiss over my shoulder. His mouth stays on mine until the elevator stops, then he pulls away and takes a step back as the doors open.

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