The Move On

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"Ma'am, you can't leave yet!" A nurse says as she rushes after me and Collin as we walk through the halls. "We need to run more tests!"

"Relax, I'm just transferring closer to home." I say as I reach the downstairs desk. "King, Adelaide." The man on the other side of the desk flickers his eyes between me and the nurse that shakes her head. "Do we have a problem?" I sigh back to her tiredly.

"Do we?" I hear Vance say behind me and I don't even turn to him as I cock my head to the side in irritation. "It's my understanding she can be transferred hospitals if she wishes to." The nurse is hesitant, but nods for the man at the desk to proceed before turning around and leaving without a word.

"I didn't need your help." I say, turning around to glare up at him suspiciously as he smirks lazily. "Your looks won't save you today, pal." He frowns dramatically and pouts as I turn to the desk to sign the papers that the man pushes my way.

"We found the rat and you're not gonna like it." Vance says quietly, making both Collin and I turn to glare at him before heading out.

"What did you do to Dallas?" I hiss back at him as we walk to his truck that's illegally parked at the front door and still running. Vance opens the door for me with a deadly glare towards Collin. "Ambrose!" I groan while pushing him back angrily.

"Can we please just get back to the house so I can explain everything, little one?" Vance says through gritted teeth before I hesitantly climb inside the truck.

The drive up to the house is quiet; Collin texted in the backseat relentlessly as Vance glared out at the road. After everything that happened, I haven't had a chance to process what I had done, or if the cops would be banging on my door anytime soon to collect me again.

It was reckless, how things went down, but I can't say I wouldn't do it again. If it meant keeping him and my family safe, I'd call the cops before...

The sirens were blaring before Raphael's body even stop twitching. Someone must have called the cops before I even shot Christopher the first time. Those who knew what would happen wouldn't have intervened...would they?

"Fuck." I breathe out and shake my head defeatedly. Vance glances over at me with a worried look and I bring my hands up to massage away the headache that begins to build at my temples. "Someone called the cops at the party, before anything happened." I say to the guys, glancing back at Collin who stares down at his boots with a pensive frown.

"Holland is the only one that could get Matt to eat." Collin says in a hushed voice that makes my chest tighten.

"But?" Vance says as we pull up to the house and he stops the truck in front of the entrance. Collin shakes his head in annoyance at Vance and I do the same.

"But he was on the phone when I was looking for you." Collin says apologetically and I nod in understanding when the front door opens and Julianna rushes out to my side of the truck.

"You're okay! You look awful, but you're okay!" She cries as she opens my door and helps me get down so she can pull me into a hug.

"I'm okay, where's Holland? I can—"

"Nope." Vance interrupts me while crossing his arms over his chest and I pull back from Julianna incredulously. "I'm not giving him the chance to hurt you."

"That's not your decision to make!" I snap at him angrily and I could've sworn I saw him flinch. "Be quiet and take me to my brother." Julianna looks between the two of us and pulls away to stand next to Vance with a pitiful expression.

"You didn't tell her." Julianna says with her broken eyes on me. Vance shakes his head and moves to close my door angrily.

"I thought I'd show her, since I've become a monster hellbent on senseless violence." Vance says sarcastically, walking past me to go inside as I frown over at Julianna who can't even look me in the eye.

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