.• Lets party! •.

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After about an hour, Shadow had gotten ready and headed to the beach where a building with a balcony was, inside was filled with drinks and food. With a blue light  inside


I stared at the place and grumbled, it hurt my eyes the blue light, seeing Rouge talking to afew Mobias, she looked over at me and smiled, her dress a stunning lavender. "Hello dear, wearing your usual?" She points out how I am wearing nothing like allways, just the underwear that made it seem I had no genitles. I close my eyes and open them again in a way of a nod. She smiles. "Alright. Interesting in joining us?" She asks and I look at the two Mobias and shake my head. "No." I simply say before walking off. Rouge doesn't fight me to be social so I leave the building and go on the balcony and lean on the fence, a lightpole beside me that dimmed when I came over, no one noticed my presence, or maybe they didn't dare talk to me incase I bite or so which I'm fine with that.
Just when I think I will be fine I hear the cheers and welcomes of the hero. "Sonic!" Someone exclaimed and patted the blue hedgehogs back, I was surprised to see him in a suit, no pants ofcorse. He was well cleaned and glowed such a blinding blue because of the blue light that emitted, if anything the blue light glowed more when he came. Sonics friends were behind him but slowly splitted up after Sonic had whispered something to them. I growl but don't move, staring back at the beach, I imagine Maria and I on it, her blonde hair flowing from the wind and her soft laugh echoing, I sigh.
If it wasn't for Rouge, I would be alone, she never gave up on me and worked well with me, she knew me well and even though I am very fussy I dont hate her. That's a good sign. One could call us friends, yes.
I close my eyes, knowing what it takes to earn my trust in which both Maria and Rouge have unlocked. A trust that I would be able to give them my life, Maria did have my life at her hands, but instead of throwing it away she saved it. Rouge tries to not put my life in danger in which I return the favour.
So little actually believe in me.


Halfway through my walk and inspection of the place I notice the balcony and decide to check it out last, I grab a chilli dog and eat it respectfully before bumping into Rouge. "Hello Blue." She says calmly and I nod. "Rouge." I greet her and she looks around. "Say, as a famous hero, you seem to be lonley." She smiles and I look away. "Oh uh- y'know I'm not much for talking at parties." I say and Rouge raises a brow. "I know someone like that." She says and I look at her. "Shadow?" I ask and she nods, and leans closer to me. "Atleast you can stand being inside." She says and her gaze is directed to the outside balcony and I follow her gaze, I can barley see Shadows ebony figure as he is covered by a wall. I know I am staring too long before Rouge giggles. "He'll be there all night if you wish to keep staring." I look at her and feel myself blush in embarrassment, Rouge looks at me and winks. "Enjoy your night Sonic, if you need anything just ask." She says and before she can turn I catch her attention. "Actaully, can I get a drink?" I ask and Rouge smiled. "Sure hun." And just like that she grabs a bottle from a nearby table and hands it to me.
"Thanks." I smile and Rouge nods and walks away. I look at the exit to the inside and sigh, getting the confidence to go over.
When I'm at the doorway to the balcony I see that Shadow is at the corner of the balcony, a lightpost looming over that is dimmed flickered as if Shadows presence was killing it. Shadow looked ominous but calm as his eyes were closed, his eyes rested and his arms leaned on the fence. "The party to much?" I ask and Shadows ears turn to where I had spoken. He didn't speak though. "Rouge told me you would be here." I continue and it seems Shadow listens but doesn't answer, I raise a brow and walk over, the light suddenly gets brighter but still carried some dull effect, I lean on the fence with my back turned to the water, my gaze on Shadow.
"I guess she was right, we aren't ones for parties, definitely not talking at one." I say and Shadow opens his eyes, the ruby colour mesmerising, I wanted to stare at them all night, but his gaze wasn't on me, it was on the beach. "Why are you talking to me." He says, his question not actually sounding like one, instead it sounded like a demand. I looked up at the stars. "Dont know, I guess you're the only one I can relate to right now." I say and I'm surprised when Shadow doesn't snort like he would at this kind of remark. "How so?" He asks, actual curiosity in his voice. I keep staring at the stars. "Wanting to go home." I answer.
When I look back Shadow is looking at me and we lock eyes. Woah..


His emerald eyes widened as we kept eachothers gaze, Sonics blue fur shone a somewhat silver from the moon making him look like a ghost or God infront of me. I look away when I realise Sonic is not going to talk. "Finally something I agree with." I say and Sonic chuckles, he laughed at that? Sonic looks back at the sky than at what he held. "Yeah, plus the fact that we were forced into it." He says and pops open the cork to the drink, I narrow my eyes. "Rouge would've tied  me to a chair if I disagreed. I'm guessing you had the same punishment threatened to you?" I ask and when I look at Sonic he seemed startled, he turned so that he was now facing the ocean and leaned one arm on the fence, still looking at me. "Tails just dragged me, I guess some situations are different to others." He says and takes a drink from the bottle. I narrow my eyes when I see 'alcohol' on the bottle.
"I guess. You sure you want to be drinking?" I ask and Sonic closes his eyes, hiding such stunning eyes. "I wouldn't be if I was inside, but out here, no one is pressuring me to do something fucked." He says and I somewhat agree so when he offers me the bottle I grasp it and drink some myself and hand it back to him. "Only one bottle though, you're pretty young for drinking such things." I warn and Sonic nods in agreement. "Sure thing, Im not much for alcohol, more taste than anything." He says and I look at the ocean, this is where there is silence except for the sound of the party and the oceans waves clapping against water, Sonic is actually calm.
I think about what I did to Sonic this morning and almost feel regret, for how he is treating me now I feel as if I had taken advantage of his kindness. "Sonic-." Just as I start to speak Im cut off by Rouge who walks out. "Oh did I interrupt something?" She asks innocently and I look at her, turning, Sonic follows my actions. "Not at all, what's up?" Sonic asks, Rouge smiles. "Great! We were just about to start a game of Truth or Dare!"

..Truth Or Dare?.. (SONADOW STORY)Where stories live. Discover now