.• Love •.

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Its night, only Tails and Rouge are up, they listen to the house of Sonics whisper its night song.


I rest on the couch, my ears strained for any noise in the house. Amy had gone to her house after awhile, being told I, Tails and Shadow would take care of the blue blur. Even though its obvious that Shadow will be the only one close enough to Sonic without him going into fight, flight or freeze. That black hedgehog would stay beside Sonic even if he tries to run away, he'd just catch up.
Thats what I like about those two, they don't have to slow down for someone, they can go as fast as they want and still have the other beside them. I wonder if those two know that. I click my nails under my gloves and look at Tails.
The fox has wrapped his arms around his legs, his tails lay ontop of his shoes, his blue eyes staring forward. The poor thing. I think. I stretch one of my wings forward and tap his fluffy body. Tails blinks and looks over to me. "You okay dear?" I ask and lay my wing reassuringly on his shoulder. Tails's ears pin by just abit. "I want my brother back Rouge." He answers my question. I feel sorrow for the fox, so young, so fragile.
"My dear, he will be back. Shadow promised." I try to comfort the fox, Tails clenches his fists. "Does Shadow ever lie...?" Tails asks, I feel quite surprised at this question. Remember Rouge, he doesn't know Shadow like you do, he knows Sonic. I remind myself. I shake my head. "He never lies, he promised Maria he would never lie again." I answer, Tails tilts his head. "Again?.." He seems confused about my words. I look away. "An accident happened, Maria wanted the best for Shadow, for him to never lie to get the good side of things, she wanted Shadow to be honest, Shadow agreed with her, Im not sure what he lied about before than, but he has kept to his words." I explain, Tails watches me, and than looks forward.
"Shadow really loved Maria." Tails says. Does he think they..liked eachother? I ask myself. "Maria was his first friend, she really did mean alot to him, I can never imagine the pain of loosing a friend who was beside you since creation and or birth." I say, Tails rests his chin on his knees. "Like me and Sonic." He says, I hesitate to say anything more. "Yeah. Its like if you loose Sonic." I answer, Tails sniffs. "I am loosing him." He says, I edge closer and rest my shoulder on his own. "You're not dear. He knows you love him dearly, and he does too." I whisper, Tails tenses when I touch him, but he lets himself rest on me. "I hope you're right." He replies.



I hear muffled voices from out of my room, I know them as Tails and Rouge, I hear the note of Shadows name being said and mine aswell. But right now I'm focused on Shadow who let's me wrap around him, his legs supporting me. His purr is loud and his body is surprisingly warm while he caresses my back messy quills into something more pleasant. I want to stay forever with him. I feel Shadows ears turn to a direction as he starts to stiffen. Another Maria vision I suspect. My thoughts are broken as Shadow starts to draw away from me. He denies my desperate pulls for him to continue. Do something Sonic, anything if you still want this... my eyes meet his neck which would normally be covered by his neck fluff, but his sides are not so covered. Now this can go bad or not.
I grasp the other side of Shadows neck and pull him close with my other hand which is on his back, its a quick and surprising attack, but Shadow is caught off gaurd by it, and with that. I kiss Shadows neck.
Shadow stops, his breathing catches. I know he will kill me later, but right now, I'm in control of him. I cast my lips down and apply some pressure. Shadow let's out a noise that is soft and two noted, and my ears shoot up. "Did you just-" I whisper and break away, Shadow is coming back to reality with blush fastly making its way on his face, he is staring at me with such embarrassment and anger. "Shut up." He growls and I laugh. "You did!" I exclaim, Shadows crimson eyes narrow, he leans closer and tilts my head to the side with one hand, leaving my neck exposed.
Shadow glares at me before putting his lips on my own neck, I hold back the urge to make a noise. Oh shit no wonder he did that. he's got a reason to, im surprised he didn't do it as soon as I- "AUGH!" I exclaim as Shadow bites down, my hands clench the covers, I feel blood start to form, Shadow licks it away from his teeth while he breaks away and it results in a high whimper of pain from my throat. "Payback, Faker." Shadow purrs it out, and not like a lovely affectionate one, more like a dark and harmful crack, which only makes my spine crawl and my fur stand on end. Shadow rests his chin on my shoulder, watching me closely as I process what he has done. Well, he bit me. I remind myself, noting it wasn't enough to cause worrisome damage.. I close one of my eyes and let out a sigh, pain swelling on the bite. I didn't even know Shadows teeth were sharp as a wolfs.
Shadow closes his eyes, hiding the powerful gaze beneath a black sheet. He purrs once more, this one is comforting. "I'm sorry." He whispers in my ear, his voice like a perfectly played violin. His mood change is quite questionable to me, but I'd rather him cuddle and comfort me instead of bite and hurt me. I feel my tail start to pick up a rhythmic beat on Shadows lap, and I rest my arms around Shadows neck in a hug. "I-its okay, just..be gentle alright?" I say, there is no reply from Shadow, he only leans down and lays me on the bed, spooning me. I chuckle. Okay, even though he is a little bitch for doing that, he is way too cute.

I've  been working with some A.I to help with my stories, and I promise, a heart thrilling one is coming soon ;)

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