.• Raped •.

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..The morning sun shone into Sonics room, cascading on the blue hedgehogs fur as he lay on the floor, drooling..


Slowly, I open my eyes, blinking profusely until I am used to such brightness. How long was I out for, I dont know. I groan before pushing myself in a sitting position, wiping the drool that had fallen during slumber, and tears away as I yawned. I stretched, cracking my back with my fist. The smell of bacon and hotdogs hit me so hard, I almost wanted to just eat the air itself.
I wiped my ears, getting up and grabbing the rubbish, I threw it in the bin. I made a real mess..  I tell myself, my eyes drift to the door, I see a shadow in the cracks standing there, it hesitated, and backed up. "What do I even say.." The voice of Amy was muffled and soft, I decide if she won't, I will.
I open the door to be greeted with the pink hedgehog, her eyes meet mine and for a moment we don't talk, trying to understand eachother. Amy shakes her head. "Sonic- we are having breakfast in the kitchen..care to join?.." she asks, I look at the hallway to were the sounds of happiness is. "Where's Tails?" I ask, my voice carrying coldness which Amy seemed worried about. "He's in the spare room- but Sonic-" "Amy I hurt my best friend, what do you think I'm going to do?" I look back at her green eyes and she stares, what do those eyes hide from me.. I wonder.
Amy nods after awhile, she turns. "Just be careful okay..?" She asks and I nod. Normally I would say something else, but I have to be careful, Tails could take any motion as a wrong way from me right now. Amy walks down the hallway to the kitchen, she glances back at me for a second before turning to the table and greeting Knuckles. I watch her than turn to the darker side of the hallway. I have three spare rooms, one next to my room, one on the end of the hallway, and one on the other side, which is normally used by Amy when she thinks I'm not doing well. There is almost allways someone here with me. It scares me sometimes.
I walk to the end one and open the door, not bothering to knock. That was a shit idea.
Tails looks up from where he stood in the middle of the room, his hand was on one of his tails. I stare. "Hey.." I say, Tails turns to me, his blue eyes carried such pain. "Hey." Tails replies, I still hold the door. "Does Amy need me?" Tails asks and I shake my head. I let go of the door. "I do." I reply, Tails blinks, I step closer. "Listen I-.." I look away from the small foxes gaze. "Did I do something wrong?" Tails asks, I continue to look away which only makes Tails question more. "I mean- I understand you were wanting alone time, but did I- was I the problem? I just don't understand.." Tails continues. "Tails.." I try to say but Tails is in his own world. "Are we still friends? I just felt like we are more distant! Are you moving on?.." Tails says, I look back at him, he isn't looking at me though. "Did Shadow replace me?.." he asks and I widen my eyes.
"Tails!" I exclaim and he stops talking, he looks at me. I have his full attention. I hesitate but lean over, engulfing him in a hug, Tails tenses but relaxes. He warps his arms around me. His furry little body is warm and reassuring, I pull him in tight. "I will never replace you buddy." I say, Tails ear flick, he smiles. "And I'm so sorry for what I did." I apologise, Tails breaks away from the hug. "Thats alright, but, can I ask why you did it?.." Tails asks, I look at the door and close it, I can tell my best friend.
"Sit down." I say, motioning to the bed, Tails nods and does as I say. He watches me. "Rouge probably told you, Shadow was dealing with something." I say and Tails nods. "Well, when I was there, I sorted it out, when he suddenly fainted." I look at my feet and notice im pacing. "He stopped breathing." I cross my arms, Tails widens his eyes. "What happened?.." he asks and I look at him. "Silver found us and well- kissed Shadow, when Shadow came back, Silver took his glove off.." I clench my fists, remembering the white hedgehog engulfing Shadow in hugs. Tails ears pin. "Does he know thats-" "I dont know." I reply, Tails nods.
I continue. "I felt so raged, so upset at it..I ran." I say, Tails clicks his fingers. "Oh! That's why you were upset!" He exclaimed, and I nod, Tails got up and patted my shoulder. "I understand, you were jealous." He says and I stare at him. "..jealous?.." I repeat his words and Tails nods. "Yep!" He smiled. "I'm sure Shadow doesn't like Silver, Silver is very touchy." He reminds me and I look away. "Yeah." I say, even though I still felt upset about what Silver did. Tails watched than patted me again. "Hey, let's eat, I bet after that you can find Shadow and explain." Tails says and I nod. "Alright."

..Truth Or Dare?.. (SONADOW STORY)Where stories live. Discover now