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Looking over to Sonic, I watch him close the door to his room. He looks over at me and hesitates. "Are you- going back out?" He asks. This confuses me, wouldn't he want to come? Oh right, Tails and Rouge.. I shake my head, sitting back on the bed. "Not unless you are." I reply carefully, Sonic looks at the floor. "Yeah alright, I guess you can stay." He says, crossing to his bathroom, he leaves the door open. I hear him turn on the tap, splashing water on his face. We don't speak, it's as if there is nothing to say, but there is so much we would like to say. I can tell by the tension, and when the tap turns off, I hear Sonic sigh.

Tracing the wrinkles on the bedsheet, I build up the words. "What are we?" I ask, Sonic pauses. I hear him stop moving, I know he has heard me, and heard me well. Sonic turns a bit to glance at me, I meet his gaze for a second before looking back down at my feet. "What do you mean by...that?" Sonic asks. He knows, he knows I mean everything about us. But I can't ask that question, it would overwhelm him. "I mean... Lately we're...different, but we never put a name to it, we never considered it all." I don't even know if these are the right words to use, but they come to my head faster than my mind can rethink them.

Sonic looks back at the sink, he takes off his gloves. I dare not to stare in case he is testing me, but he washes his hands. I glance over, I see that metal piece in one glove. Creeping over, I take the blade. Sonic turns again, I back up and lean on the bathroom doorframe. Slotting the blade in my own glove. Just to keep him safe, to make sure I can protect him for just a little longer. Sonic looks at me, his emerald eyes narrow by a tiny bit and he fidgets with his bare skin toned hands. I step forward but a vibration from my jacket gets Sonic's attention, he slips past me and rushes to the ground near his desk. Grabbing his phone, Sonic looks down at it. I turn to face him, watching his emerald eyes widen. "What's with that look?" I ask.

It takes some time for Sonic to come back to his senses, his eyes adjust and he turns off his phone. "Don't worry." He replies, his voice sounding off. "I kind of am worried." I speak. Sonic looks away, going to his desk and grabbing a warm chili dog. He takes small bites. I come over. "Sonic. What was that?" I ask as I come over to him. He looks away and checks his phone again. "Oh uh, Amy wants some help.." He says, trying to run off. I grab his bare hand. "I know you're trying to avoid my question, it's like what happened with Silver." I say, Sonic looks back at me. He slowly realises I'm not going to let go, even if he begs me to.

"Fine. Sticks went to a Psych ward, she tried killing herself because she thought she was being watched to the point everyone knew her next move." Sonic says. I stare, Sticks, a female racoon with blue eyes and a schizophrenic personality. Tried to kill herself? Now I understand Sonic's reaction. "Oh.." I simply reply, Sonic closes his eyes. "I worry for her, she's younger than me and already tried killing herself. What did I do? Did I shame her too much?" Sonic is starting to overthink. I have to pull him back to reality. I pull Sonic against my body, wrapping my arms around him tightly and steadily. He lets out a surprised gasp, but slowly settles. "It's not your fault. She has things going on you don't know about. Just like yourself." I say, my voice reaching a certain level of comfort and safety.

Sonic wraps his arms around me as if I am his only hope, and lately, I feel like I am. I feel liquid soak into my shoulders fur and I hear Sonic let out a weak whimper. I can see his blue quills bristle in an anxiety attack. I brush my gloved hand across his quills to settle them. "You're okay, no one is going to blame you." I say, Sonics form is not steady, in fact. It's broken and shaking. He cries into my fur for who knows how long. Before I hear it, I hear his small and weak voice whisper in my ear. Shaking as he cries. "I-I'm scared.." He speaks. For the first time, I'm speechless. Sonic has just shot me through the heart with two unfamiliar words. I grip him tighter, showing I'm here. "You're safe. I'm never letting anything hurt you anymore." I say strongly. I have never thought Sonic would be scared, that he would cry in my arms and release the deepest words right into my ear.

..Truth Or Dare?.. (SONADOW STORY)Where stories live. Discover now