.• Grumpy •.

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Sonic wakes to be alone in the spare room, like allways, the sound of life in his house means his friends are awake and here.


I shook my head sleepily, rubbing my eyes with my white gloves. I yawn. I'm not in my bed though, even though I remember sleeping on such a comfy place, Im on the windowsill in a spare room. The smell of Shadow (a ash and watered rose smell) lingered in the air. If not in my fur. I jump down, the memories slowly flooding in my head, what happened yesterday, morning to night. It ended in me having to look down while I sat at the dining table to avoid my friends seeing such an obvious blush.
Amy welcomed me, the table was almost full, one stay empty beside me. I point it out. "Is everyone here?" I ask, Rouge lifts her head from where she spooned some scrambled egg into her mouth. "Shadow will be here soon dear." Rouge smiles, and I nod. "Alright." I say, looking down at the food. Fuck, no wonder why he isn't here.. I feel bad, forgetting about the black hedgehogs anorexia. Rouge is watching me, she gets up and walks considerably close to me, she leans to the side. "I told Amy and Tails to add peaches, he is fine." Rouge whispers while grabbing a glass from a shelf behind me, I glance at her hopefully, she winks. "Amy dear, do you know if this house has any wine?" Rouge looks at the pink hedgehog, her green eyes light up.
"Its in the fridge!" Sticks exclaims, Amy looks at her. "I was gonna tell her!" She scolded as she laughs, Sticks smirks. "You're too slow!" Amy gasped dramatically. "I am not!" She says, everyone joins in laughing with Amy as Sticks shrugs. "You can say what you want." She says, Amy opens her mouth to talk, but closes it. "I won't." She says and Sticks smiles.
"Thats a relief." Shadows voice was his usual moody, grumpy one. Amy looks at the black hedgehog who leans on the end of the hallway wall. His eyes cold. But that's the usual Shadow. I watch him kick himself to he can walk and take the empty seat next to me. Rouge walks past with two glasses of wine, her wings brushed the back of Shadow as she passed him one of the glasses, Shadow took it without glancing ever so slightly at her.
Everyone is quiet, its only when Shadow swirls the wine in his hands and takes a sip that Amy leans to talk to Rouge in which she replies, when Shadow doesn't react the group starts its usual chatter. Shadow stays quiet. He sways the wine glass, sometimes taking sips. I watch untill I take a bite of my chilli dog, he glances at me than at the plates of food infront of him, his eyes landing on the peaches. I catch his eyes fill with some colour, his eyes look to Rouge and she winks, he looks back and grabs a tender peach.
Shadow places the peach on his empty plate, he leans towards me and reaches for a knife, I take in his scent and smile, he locks eyes with me for only a second before going back to his plate. "Stop staring Faker." He grumbles and I chuckle. Tails looks at me and I smile, this makes the little fox brightly reply in his own smile before returning to the conversation with Silver. I look at the white hedgehog, he doesn't meet my gaze, and continues to eat while talking to Tails, which I'm fine with, he isn't even close to Shadow.
I glance back at Shadow and see him cutting the peach in such perfect slices. I watch in awe. "How are you doing that?" I ask and Shadow stops cutting with the interruption, he continues again. "Unlike you Faker, I take my spare time to learn things." Shadow says, I continue to watch him cut the peach untill its all done, the inside was a perfect orange. Shadow looks down to cover his smile. I see it though. "Its your favourite type?" I ask, Shadow nods grabbing one and passing it to me. I take it and when Shadow draws his hand back, the peach didn't even stain his white gloves. I stare at the peach slice. "You just going to stare or you going to eat it darling?" Rouges voice cuts my thoughts and I look up to her, her arms lean in the table as she watches me. "Shadow doesn't give such a precious item to many mobias." Rouge smirks and I look away quickly to hide my blush, my attention on the slice. I open my mouth and plop the fruit in. I'm awed.
The peach held such a sweet flavour, with a hint of sourness, the skin soft but strong, it was fresh but not too young or too old when it was picked. Its perfect. Rouge chuckles at my bright reaction as my eyes widen in amazement. I grab some water and drink it. Amy stares. "Oh, where do you get these?" She asks, trying to take a peach for herself, this ends in a knife barley missing her fingers, it digs in the table. There is silence once again. Shadow holds this knife while Amy stares frightened by such movement. Shadow is glaring at her with his red, cold and warning eyes.
Rouge rests on her chair, her chin raised. "Oh Amy, I did say Shadow doesn't like to give other Mobias such tasty items."  She grins as Amy draws back her hand, everyone stares at Shadow than at Sonic. "But- aren't you two like- enemies?.." Knuckles asks, while I finish the water I manage to spit it in surprise, the water soaking my fur, Shadow closes his eyes and draws back the knife. "This hedgehog eats chillidogs for a living, and for that I feel pity for him." Shadow hissed and Kuckles glares at the black hedgehog.



I plop another peach in my mouth, fighting the urge to purr to such a delicacy. There is no chatter as Sonics stupid group watches me, it's only when I snap my eyes open and rise allitle that they look away at eachother. "Go back to your squirming!" I yell and they share concerned glances, I sit back down, my fur prickling as I feel Sonics gaze on me. I cock my head to the side and look at him through my eyebrows. "What? My actions surprise you?" I ask and Sonic catches himself before he falls, startled I took in his staring. "No! Its just.. you looked cool doing that." Sonic says, blinking and I snort. "They dont think it was cool." I reply, my hand motions to the group who slowly start to talk normally again.
Sonic shrugs, he gets up. I watch him as he turns and puts his plate in the sink and walks back to his room, Silver excuses himself and shortly follows, his face filled with such rage. I raise a brow at the sudden activity, Tails gets up too but I stand quicker, I glare at him. "The fuck is he up to?" I whisper as Tails walks near me, we move to the counter, more far from the group still chattering. Rouge catching my gaze and nods, her voice getting louder as she distracted the group, making them talk as loud as she is, I turn back tot he small orange fox, his blue eyes worried. "Oh Rouge was going to tell you.." Tails said, sounding nervous, I shook my head. "Tell me." I order and Tails nods so fastly.
"Sonic thinks you like Silver more, and uh- uhm.." Tails looks away again, I stare at him. "Well?" I say and Tails back up, I cross my arms. "I told Silver- he..he didn't like the fact you liked Sonic and not him.." Tails meets my eyes and is startled as my gaze is frightened. "What the fuck does that mean for Sonic?" I ask and Tails narrows his eyes. "Not good."
My ears dart to the sound of a door closing, Tails stares at the hallway. "Not good at all.."



I turn in fright when I hear the door close, seeing Silver standing with the handle in his hand. He stares at the handle. "Oh, Silver! You scared me!" I chuckle, but Silver doesn't join.
I hear the sound of the door being locked, Silvers hand slips from the handle. I stare as my ears slowly pin. "Silver?" I ask and the white hedgehog turns to face me, his eyes on the floor. "Is it true?" He asks and I tilt my head, Silvers voice was cold, Im not used to such a tone for this hedgehog. "Is what true?" I ask and Silvers yellow eyes meet mine, his eyes hurt but angry. "You and Shadow." He says, clenching his fists. I back up. "Silver-" "IS IT TRUE?" He yells and doesn't let me answer.
My feet leave the ground, it feels as if Silver has grabbed my from the neck and is picking my up, but he still stands at the door. I notice his hands glowing the blue it does when he uses his power. "S-kaugh! Silver-..let go!" I said as my voice tightened in the grip, I was choking, floating higher and higher. I couldn't move, Silver walked closer and closer. "He's mine!" Silver hisses and I flinch. "Okay okay!" I exclaim, Silver glares. "Say it." He says, his fists go tighter, I feel like my neck will snap. "Okay! Shadow is yours!" I cough, just when I feel like I'm going to faint, I fall to the ground.
I cant get up, the floor is cold, I cough, trying to get as much air as possible. Silver crouches down to me, just like he did when we met and he fought me. "Never go near him. This is a warning Sonic. It'll end badly for everyone." Silver says, he stares at me before getting up and leaving the room, Shadow and Tails walk over, Silver nods a hello and glares at me. When the two see me on the floor, they rush over. Tails is frantically saying things while Shadow tries to help lift me up, I feel his chest touch my shoulder as he lifts me, he holds my hands and stares into my eyes.
Shadow knows I'm in pain.
I want to let him help me, I want to just fall into his arms and let him guide me, but Silvers warning played in my head. I closed my eyes shut and got up, rushing past Shadow and Tails. This made them concerned. But I dont reply to Tails, or look back at the such frightened Shadow.
I cant. I dont want them hurt.

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