.• recovery •.

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Shadow lays in the spare bed, Sonic and his crew outside, trying to know what to do about what happened to the black hedgehog.


I watch Amy come back into the living room from where she had gone to see Shadow. "He is healing. Slowly." She says, I cant settle down, Im worrying too much for Shadow. The scene replaying in my head. "Had someone told Rouge?" Amy asks, Silver shakes his head. "I can tell her now." He says and Amy nods. "Please do, we can't keep worrying the bat on why Shadow hasn't come home." Amy replies, Silver nods and leaves my house. Knuckles leans forward from where he rested on the couch. "I cant believe Shadow, out of all mobias, was raped." Kuckles says and my ears pin.
Amy nods and slowly walks to me, she taps my shoulder. "I'm glad you helped." She says and I narrow my eyes. "Ofcorse I would Amy." I reply and she nods, Tails stares at me with such sorrow I have to get up. "I'm going to bed." I say, the krew look at eachother than nod. "Alright." Amy says, I walk to the dark hallway. Knowing well I'm not going to sleep.
I skip my room, going to the spare room next to mine, I open the door. Shadow sits on the windowsill, his eyes closed. "I said I want to be alone pink rat." Shadow says and I close the door. Walking to Shadow. He is hugging his legs. I let myself sit on the other side of the windowsill. "Did you hear me?" Shadow spits, open his eyes, he meets my gaze and he stares. "I'm not Amy." I smile and Shadow looks at the moon. "I thought you were. She comes in so often." He replies and I chuckle. "She worried for those who are hurt." I say, Shadow snorts. He winces though, pain flashes in his eyes.
"What are you doing?" I ask and Shadow tilts his head so its resting on the glass. "Thinking." He replies, I follow his gaze to the moon. "Do you- like Silver?.." I ask, the question slipped from my mind, Shadow looks at me. "No. I dont." He says, I stare at him. "Sorry." I apologise, Shadow looks back at the moon. "Its fine, you know who I like." He says, I smile. "Ofcorse I do Shads." I wink and he closes his eyes, blush appearing on his cheeks. I look away. "Than who do I like hm?" Shadow asks, I look back at him. "Really?" I say and Shadow chuckles.
I get up, walking to him, my agility isn't good, but I stayed on the windowsill, I break Shadows legs and slip between them, my knees placed between them. Shadow stared at me, taking note of my actions. I lean close, grasping his cheeks and pulling him in a soft kiss. Shadow grabs my back quills and pulls me close. I feel his scratches on his body, but I try and avoid them, they stopped bleeding after all. He is careful on me, and patient. I break away and stare at his ruby eyes. He smiles, the smile gave me approval on this.
"I do." I whisper, Shadow chuckles, I dont want to leave him, knowing he is mine. I turn and rest myself on him, Shadow hesitates with the small movement, but rests his arms around me, his legs layed out beside my own. I hear a familiar purr rise, Shadow is warm this time, and I feel him purring, his deep purr so comforting.



I bust into Sonics house with my wings wide open which slaps Silver when he tries to get past me, I get the eyes of Knuckles, Amy, Tails and Sticks, Silver rubbed his nose in pain. "Afternoon Rouge." Knuckles dips his head in greeting, I smile at him but look at Amy. "Is he okay?" I ask and Amy smiles, but its not her usual warm and friendly smile, more like a worried and unsure smile. "He is healing, I told him to sleep but I'm not sure if he is." She says and I sigh. "Alright." I say in which Amy gets up. "Would you like some water? You seem puffed." She says and I nod. "Yes please." I watch Amy grab a bottle of water from the fridge and pass it to me, the sound of plastic between my grasp was satisfying.
I slump on the couch next to Knuckles, opening the water and drinking the cold beverage. "Has this happened to Shadow before Rouge?" Tails asked, I cocked my head to the side. "No, not this, Shadow has been through alot but not someone sexual assaulting him." I say, rotating the bottle in my hand so the water swirled around the corners. "Must be hard." Amy says. "Me or Shadow?" I lean back to see Amy who has her hand on the couch. Amy raises a brow. "For both of you." She explains and I take another sip of water. "I'm allways there for Shadow, Im quite upset I couldn't keep him away from this." I whisper, everyone heard me though, Knuckles gives me a little shove. "Dont blame yourself annoying bat." He says and I smirk. "Yeah alright red tomato."
I get up from the couch "Where is he?" I say and Amy stands beside me, pointing to a hallway beside the kitchen. "The second room to the right." Amy says and I thank her, walking downthe hallway and to the door Amy said. I open the door slowly. "Hey Shadow.." I whisper, and stare, two figures are on the windowsill, so close it seemed they were cuddling, I hear purring and smile.
Red eyes like a cats open and stare at me, though it didn't bother to talk. "I see you're busy.." I tease and Shadow blinks. "He's asleep." Shadows voice was deep as he broke his purring for a moment, the figure he held more visible as I came closer. Sonic, his head rested on Shadows chest, quills brushing against him, his eyes closed. I nod. "Are you okay?" I ask and Shadow nods. "I am now Rouge." He says and I sit on the bed, opening the water and drinking once again, the sounds made Shadows ears turn to me. "Thats good." I say, Shadow is caressing Sonics quills. "He saved me before that dick of a mobia- well, finished." He says.
I realise how much the two hedgehogs love eachother, they are allways trying to help eachother, such a cute couple. "Aww." I smile and Shadow glares at me. "Dont you dare." He warns and I chuckle. "Alright grumpy, you enjoy." I smile, getting up and walking out, I hear the purr get louder as I close the door. "Such cuties." I whisper to myself. I'm glad Sonic cares for Shadow so much.
I walk back to the living room, everyone's eyes turn to me, I sway my hips. "He's fine. Though I suggest not going in, he hates guests." I say, looking at Amy, she sighs. "Ofcorse. Would you like to stay here Rouge?" She asks and I think while stretching my wings. "Oh why not." I reply, Knuckles eyes narrow for a moment. "You realise Sonic only has three spare rooms?" He points out and I look at Amy, she waves it off. "Rouge can sleep in my room, I better get back to my house anyways, Sticks, you coming?" Amy says, Sticks, the brown and amber raccoon looks up. "I guess." Her raspy voice replies and the two mobias leave with hands intertwined. ((CREATOR NOTE: As friends!))
"I better go too." Knuckles says, he gets up from the long couch and looks back at me. "To protect the master emerald." He warns and I roll my eyes. "Yeah yeah, go on echidna." I reply, Knuckles growls before following the others, closing the door. Silver, Tails and I were the only ones now in the room. I look at Silver, than at Tails. "Does he know?" I ask the fox, Tails's blue eyes travel to Silver and he shrugs. "I dont think so." He replies, Silver raises a brow. "What do I not know?" He asks and I cross my arms. "Dont mind it dear, if you want you can sleep on the couch?" I ask, Silver shrugs. "Sure." He replies, I nod than look at Tails. "Come with me." I say, Tails hesitantly nodded, following me as I guide him to the room Amy let me stay in. I close the door once we are both inside.
"Okay, but do you know?" I ask, Tails stares at me with his small blue eyes. "About Sonic and Shadow?" Tails tilts his head and I nod. Tails nods aswell. I walk to the bed and sit on it. "Good, seems like both the hedgehogs friends know." I smile, Tails decides to sit next to me, he brushes his tails. "I guess so." He replies, something is on his mind. I can tell. "Whats going on in that smart brain darling?" I ask, Tails looks up at me. "Its Sonic." He answers, guilt in his face, I narrow my eyes, leaning over. "How so?" I say. "He thinks Silver and Shadow.." Tails couldn't find much words, and he doesn't need to. "Oh my.." I say. "Shadow wouldn't." I reassure him, Tails nods. "Thats what I told him." He says, he fiddles with his hands, I watch.
"Well..Ill tell Shadow when he feels better." I vowed, Tails smiled. "Alright!" He exclaimed, I look at the window on the other side of the bed. "Better get some sleep hun." I say in which Tails gets up. "Ofcorse, goodnight Rouge." Tails waves before leaving, I smile. When the door closes I dont hesitate to get up and hand off a shelf, I dont like beds, I wrap my wings around my body and settle in for rest.



My hands brush Sonics quills, his purring continued while he slept, it was soothing. Even though sleep was nothing to me, this little blue hedgehog needs it. So I let him rest, his body resting against mine. It didn't hurt, his presence basically made everything gone, he was so warm, so soft. I wanted to stay forever.
My body still hurt from what happened today, I hate the thought of it, but I'm glad Sonic got me out when he did. I never though I would get raped, me, out of all mobias. I look at the moon. Silver helped me, but if he does this again, Im not following, and he's not going. I dont want such a happy thing to be fucked in the ass without consent. I close my eyes, holding back a growl.
Maybe I'm caring too much for Silver, he reminds me of my younger self with Maria, I dont want that to leave the poor thing. He deserves to have a good life, he isn't the ultimate lifeform like myself so he can only have so much fun at a time. I lean backwards, making sure the blue hedgehog doesn't wake do to this motion.
I hear muffled voices for awhile, but they stop and I hear a door open and close, there is a silence in the house now, unless purring is counted, but I dont believe anyone could hear it. I do have the feeling Rouge is still here, it's a feeling like someone I know and trust dearly is here, unless that's just Sonic. I close my eyes once again.
This has been a wild week.

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