.• Truth or Dare •.

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The hedgehogs look at Rouge as she guides them to where Mobias circle around for a game of Truth or Dare.


As I follow Sonic and Rouge we settle down, I am sitting in the middle of Rouge and Sonic. I cross my arms and watch as the game starts. It's normal, Truth and Dare, a Mobian called Sticks went first, she asks Amy a question and she answers which is Truth, and Amy tells a Mobian I dont get the name of to punch Knuckles which they do which is a dare. Though Sonic and I had both drank, it seemed we were apart of the group that was the most sober here. But it was taking effect on Sonic as he was getting hyped, I kept an eye on him.
I wasn't interested in the game, but Rouge insisted on me playing, so I did and Sonic decided to join because he clearly didn't want to stare at the ocean. without me. That part he whispered and I just catched it, I believed it was just the alcohol kicking in. Rouge wasn't sober but she wasn't extremely drunk, she still thought and co-operated perfectly fine, she was known for her smartness at drinking. Never too much. I couldn't keep my eye off of Sonic though.
Sonic tried to get up but I instantly stopped him, my hand on his shoulder "Dont." I say and Sonic stares at me, he than looks at my hand and where it was, than back at me, I couldn't pick up the blush that appeared due to the blue light that still cascaded in the room. I put my hand off though as I thought he was surprised I had touched him in which I was myself. "Yeah sorry, guess its abit- yknow..crazy, I lost myself there." Sonic says and I sigh before looking away and back, afraid I'll loose him if I'm not able to see his every move.
"Rouge! Truth or Dare?" A Mobia said and all eyes went on her, she smiled. "Dare." Her answer made everyone go ooooo~ and the mobia seemed to take her challenging gaze. "I dare you to kis-" he caught my deep gaze that warned him, and he changed his mind "I dare you to throw your wine at someone random." He finishes his sentence and Rouge considered it. I looked back at Sonic and was not ready.
I felt cold liquid splash me from behind which soaked in my quills and blended with my fur, but I was soaked with it. Sonic stared and seemed to be holding back a laugh. I whipped around and stared at Rouge who held out her now empty glass. "A dare is a dare Shadow." Rouge says and I am about to beat her up when I stop, Rouges smiling bright face replaced with Maria, I couldn't hurt her, so I huff and turn around. "Whatever." I say, shooting a glare at the Mobia who dared Rouge to do such a thing, they sunk back and I growled, looking at Sonic.
"Anyways. Sonic, truth or dare." Rouge asks and I look at her with worried eyes, she knows he isn't sober, she doesn't look at me but at Sonic who looks back. "Dare!" He says, but no one goes 'ooooo' this time, they picked up my eyes and seemed worried or interested. "Rouge be careful.." I whisper to her and she doesn't show any sign of hearing me which makes me look at Sonic. Why him? I ask myself.
"Sonic, I dare you to clean Shadow." Rouge says and suddenly, everything is quiet, like everyone is processing what Rouge said, but they were nervous on what my reaction would be, some actually backing up as if ready to run if I attack her. But I dont, I just stare at Rouge, she looks at me with a smug look. I try and get away but bump into Sonic, I slowly turn my head to gaze at him. He is staring at me with surprise. "Uhm.." I say and Rouge chuckles. "What, did the hedgehog run out of moves?" She taunts as she says exactly what I said to her and I hear a growl rise, this makes the crowd stir. "Rouge I'm not doing that." I say and Rouge furrows a brow. "How come? Its a dare Shadow." She replies and I clench my fists, getting up. "I'm not doing it Rouge." I hissed her name and she seemed to understand, she put down her empty glass. "Shadow-" "continue your stupid game." I cut her off and stormed out of the place, shoving afew Mobias out of the way, I needed air, needed peace.
No one came to ask me anything as I went back to the balcony, the light once again dimming. I stared at the ocean. Why did she do that? I think does she think we are a thing? I snort at that question. She wouldn't dare, Sonic and I hate eachother. The word hate was almost uncertain and I sigh. "I hate parties." I say to myself. "I hate dares." Sonics voice made me stiffen, unsure what to do now after what Rouge has done. "You chose dare." I point out and Sonic shrugged. "I was drunk. Tails helped me out because Rouge was taking advantage of me." Sonic explained and I nod. "I knew you shouldn't have had alcohol." I grumble and Sonic chuckles, he is now in the spot he was before, the light somewhat glows again. His emerald gaze on the water. "I understand why you didn't want to do that." He says.
"Did you?" I ask and catch Sonics rosey cheeks but he looks away so I am seeing his quills. "I would've- helped you, but not how Rouge wanted." He answers and I close my eyes. "I can clean myself." I say before deciding to clean my quills like a cat would with its fur. Sonic looks at me for a second before looking back at the beach.
"Has Rouge allways taunted you like that? Or is that the wine kicking in?" Sonic asks and I narrow my eyes. "Rouge is a careful drinker, she taunts me but never actually- tries to put me in uncomfortable situations." I reply and I dont catch Sonics ears pin. "It was uncomfortable?" He asks and I stop cleaning myself and look at him. He is staring right at me with actual curious eyes. "Was it not?" I ask and Sonic looks away. "Oh gosh it was uncomfortable that everyone was so quiet, but the dare?" He asked and I feel my quills prick and my face turning just abit red. I look away, not sure how to reply at that question. "I wasn't complaining but if you didn't like it its understandable." Sonic smiled and nudges me, I grumble as for he clearly saw my reaction.
"Shut up." I say and Sonic laughs. "But I like talking!" He whined and I roll my eyes. "And I like listening." But there was no sarcasm in my voice, I felt myself stiffen once again and saw Sonics face light up and a smile slowly spreading. "Dont." I warn but Sonic doesn't listen. "Aww! Shads likes to talk to me! How cute!" He exclaimed and I narrow my eyes, grabbing him and pinning him on the fence so that his back was turned to the ocean. "Dont you dare call me cute Faker." I spit, trying to be intimidating, but as Sonic stares at me and I suddenly hear a purr from him. "Are you purring!?" I ask and Sonic looks away from my gaze, his face red. "No-.." he answers and I pull him closer, hearing the purr get louder. "You are." I reply and Sonic sinks backs but cannot escape my grip. "You're making me!" He exclaimed and I tilt my head. "Am I? It seems I'm just standing here." I say and Sonic looks at me again. "You are touching me and are really close to me." He says and I look away but don't let go. "Because you called me cute you idiot." I say and Sonic snorts. "Sure."


Oh my mobius he is so close.
Shadows eyes draw back on me, every detail of his red pools of crimson looking at me, his warm breath ruffling my fur, and he wasn't drawing away. "Dont risk it Faker." He says and I grin, my hand slithers to Shadows back quills and he stiffens, not used to such a touch. "What the-" "relax Shadow. I'm not going to hurt you, or do what Rouge wanted." I smile and Shadow looks suspiciously at me. "I dont trust you Faker." He answers and I chuckle.
"Ofcorse you don't." I reply to him before brushing his back quills, Shadow seems to not express an emotion, not sure how to take it, but his cheeks are a rose red. "See? Just brushing." I say and Shadow growls, but I can hear a purr, Im not sure if its mine or not. Shadow looks away and with that I push him closer, stealing his lips in which he yelps in surprise but closes his eyes and grasps my quills. I take a breath and let Shadow back up, he opens his eyes and his eyes are calm. "Is that why you were fine with the dare?" He asks so softly I purr louder. "Maybe."

Shadow chuckles at my reply and I hear my tail continually slap against the fence as it goes wildly. I made him laugh again! I stare at him as the moons silver glow cascaded on him after escaping a cloud. "I'm surprised you let me." I say and Shadows eyes narrow. "Dont make me regret it." He warns and I smile once more. "Ofcorse not." I reply and Shadow closes his eyes and pulls me close so my head is resting on his shoulder as he starts to caress my quills, I hear my purr come back and when I return his gesture I'm certain I hear a low purr in return. I feel his chest fur on my stomach and its soothing.
"Hey guys the party is ending-" Tails voice cut in and before I could do anything he had seen the scene. Shadow pulls away so quickly Im surprised but my gaze looks at Tails surprised blue gaze. "Did I..Interrupt something..?" He asks and I look at Shadow who has a hand on his nose in irritation, when he is simply hiding his blush of embarrassment. I look back at Tails. "No you didn't." I reply and Tails is about to leave when Shadow catches his gaze in which the fox freezes in place. "Dont tell Rouge, kid." He warns and Tails nods quickly than looks at me. "You coming Sonic?" He asks and I nod. "I'll be there in a second!" I say and Tails leaves.
I look back at Shadow who is gazing at me but doesn't turn. "Atleast it wasn't Rouge herself." He says and I chuckle. "Doesnt matter Shads, you made my night actually better so I wouldn't mind her taunting." I purr and he looks away, blushing once again. "You better go." He says and I smile. "Ofcorse, cya Shadow." I say and walk away. "Bye Sonic." I hear him say and I'm surprised as he says my name, I turn and he looks surprised at himself so I simply chuckle and leave.
He called me Sonic, im so used to Faker..

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