.• Telling Rouge •.

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After a long time of the three mobias staring at eachother, Rouge finally ushers Sonic out to talk with Shadow alone.


The feeling of Sonic leaving my sight is almost unbearable, but I stop myself from moving or showing any disappointment of the blue hedgehogs departure. Sonic waves a goodbye and only Rouge returns it kindly. "Safe travels!" She says and I snort but Osnic doesn't hear, he is gone just like that.
Rouge closes the door and looks at me, kneeling on it. "Explain everything from last night till this morning." Rouge says sternly and I tense, the memories flooding so quickly it felt like I was slapped by it. "Does it matter?" I ask and Rouge gives me such a demanding gaze I look away and still feel it on me. "Yes it does, why is Sonic being so nice to you." She says and my ears pin. "Rouge." I growl but Rouge insisted. "I need to know Shadow, Im loosing you, you're leaving your home to do something dangerous? What next?" She slams the door, I close my eyes. "Calm down." I say, Rouge stretches her wings again, but her violent glare is still trained on me.
"That Faker and I went out after the dare you wanted him to do." I say and Rouge away. "Shit, sorry darling..I thought- nevermind." She says, not wanting to explain, I growl but continue. "We started to agree on abunch of things, and he uhm- well.." I was for sure blushing and Rouge furrowed a brow. "What did Sonic do?" She says, even though she clearly knew she wanted to hear it from me. I open my eyes, looking at my hands which fidget by the support of my legs. "Well he kissed me." I say without any more hesitation, Rouge moved forward, her hand placed on mine to stop me. "How did you feel dear?" She asks and I stare at anything but her gaze. "Thats a weird question." I say but Rouge sits next to me. "How did you feel Shadow?" She asks again and I sigh, knowing I'm red as ever. "Warm. Like all the problems on my weight just fluttered away." I answer and Rouge smiles, not her usual taunting one, but a soft and reassuring one.
"Well than, continue." Rouge says and I feel my ears go down. "Well, after he left I was just..thinking." I continue, Rouge listens. "The thoughts were getting abit- crazy so I ran. Away from the thoughts and back home." I say, admitting the fear I experienced. Rouge looked guilty. "Shit, I forgot about you. Sorry." She apologies and I wave her off. "Its not your fault, anyways, when I got home I couldn't sleep, rethinking every moment with Sonic and what made him- do that." I whisper, remembering never even closing my eyes in signal of sleep. "And by the morning, I wanted to talk to him, so I Chaos Controlled to him, and overheard his team talk about what happened last night. By than I felt like absolute shit." I sigh. "So instead of telling him, I- I gave myself an excuse to be there, eating..." I winced at the word and looked at Rouge, she looked miserable for me. Poor thing, she had no clue.
"Oh Shadow.." Rouge whispers, her hands covering her mouth. I fidgeted once again. "I couldn't bring myself to mention last night to him." I say and remember Sonics green beautiful eyes staring at me while I eat with so much worry. "Oh fuck why did I do that.." I quiver and put my hands on my face, covering my emotions. Rouge puts her hand on my lap. "Dont blame yourself dear. Hold on, I'll be right back." Rouge says and I nod, though she could barley see it. "Dont hurt yourself."


I open the front door to be welcomed by a worried Amy. "Oh Sonic! What happened? Is Shadow okay? Are you hurt??" She ranted and I smile, letting her hug me. "Shadow was just very sick, probably from last nights drinking, he's fine and awake, and I'm fine." I answer and hear Amy gasp, I question it until I understand, she has found a loose black quill on my leg. "Sonic-" "It was when I carried him Amy dont worry!" I interrupt her and she looks worried at me. Tails walks in the room. "Oh Tails, are you okay? Did Shadow hurt you? Please know it was an accident, he was groggy." I exclaim and Tails nods. "I'm fine Sonic." He says, his blue eyes looking behind me, he lit up realising I came alone. "Knuckles is grumpy, but he says he hopes Shadow recovers." Tails says and I nod. "Thats good."
"Whats good?" Rouges voice made me jump high and crash into Tails, he barley stayed up, but in result I hit my head on his, I back up, rubbing my forehead. "Ouch." I say and I hear joined laughing, tails even chuckles. I turn and see Rouge was standing about just behind me. "Jeez, did running take me so long you beat me or something?" I ask and Rouge narrows her eyes. "I need to talk to you." She says which makes Tails and Amy pass a nervous glance at eachother than at me. I wave them off. "Sure Rouge." I say and she smiles, but it doesn't last long as she directs me to my room, it concerns me how she knows where I sleep.
When we are on the other side of the room Rouge slams the door and locks it, she flaps to the window and shuts the blinds.checking everywhere before seeming satisfied. I watch her. "Something wrong?" I ask and Rouge stares at me. "I know what happened last night." She answers and I tense, looking away from her gaze. "Oh-" "Sonic, Shadow spent all night after the party thinking about it, he was going to ask you something, but decided to hide his fear by eating." Rouge cuts me and I am startled. "He- what!?" I exclaim and Rouge looks away, her wings spread. "You realise you have to bring up the conversation." She says and I hesitate in which she whips around and flaps infont of me to seem higher. "And I mean now Sonic. He is on the verge of crying after bringing it up." She says, pointing a finger threateningly at me. I back up and put a hand to lower her finger. "Alright alright! I will!" I say and Rouge narrows her eyes. Woah, she really is worried for Shadow, I think. Rouge watches me as I leave my room and the house, Tails tries to talk but Rouge stops him with a glare. "He will be back fox." She says and Tails just nods. I sigh.
When Rouge opens the door I realise how serious Rouge was now. The room was dark as Shadow seemed to feed off all light that he could use. Shadow still sat on the couch, but he sat with his elbows on his knees and his hands on his face, his legs spead out.
I look at Rouge and she jerks her head to Shadow, demanding me to do something before leaving. I dont know what to do, the room was unsettling. But my legs take me, I walk to the unstable hedgehog. Shadows ear flicked. "Rouge, can I be left alone?" He asks, his voice almost about to break. I hesitate but continue untill I sit next to him, I decide to place my hand on Shadows lap. He doesn't open his eyes though. "Shadow, Im not leaving you " I say, my voice echoed the room and Shadow tensed, he opened his eyes and looked at my hand, realising it was me, not Rouge.
"Oh." Shadow simply says and he looks at me, his red eyes pouring into mine. "You know, I dont mind being with you Shads, last night was a great example." I smiled and Shadow looked away, I decide to make my move. "I would do anything to do it again." I say, grasping Shadow, he doesn't deny when I rest his head on my hap and caress his quills. Infact, he purrs. I smile. "I'm sorry you couldn't tell me what you desired this morning." I say and Shadow sighs, his purr lowering, but I dont want it to go so quickly. "But right now.." I saw, leaning down and once again, taking his lips, he stares at my clam green eyes and seems to calm himself, his eyes near to closed, I pull back. "I'm all ears." I say the end of my sentence, Shadow looks at me, his purr coming back. "Thats the second time and it never gets old." He whispers and I blush. "Ha, I guess I could say the same, your eyes are too pretty I could stay so close forever." I smile and grab Shadow, he yelps as I roll off the couch with him in my arms, I hug him tightly, Shadow returns it before I detach from him and we spread out on the rug. I hear my purr joining Shadows.
"Yknow, I like this." Shadow says and I chuckle, drawing closer, Shadow allows me, and he actually directs my head to rest on his chest, I hear his purr loudly in my ears as he pats me. He is so warm. Shadow seems to close his eyes.


His body on mine..I have never felt so comfortable and happy. Sonics quills were softly brushed and his fur seemed to glow in the dark room. I dont want to talk, I want him and me just to stay here, forever. I feel Soncis tail going wildly once again and I smile. "By the way, I like you." Sonic says and in result I chuckle. "I think I know." I reply and Sonics purr becomes louder.
Only afew days ago we used to never stare at eachother, not even try and talk. Now we are so close together. Did Sonic allways like me? And if so, did I? It has never really came to thought, but I allways seemed to be thinking about him atleast twice a day minimum.

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