gold threads

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Wild hearts
Are daring
In this tainted world.

Soft minds
Are delicate
In this tapestry world.

The girl with a book, by the window,
her eyes whistling through the words,
A soul with a wild heart and soft mind,
She is daring and delicate.

Between the pages, she breathes,
Happiness and peace in her wild heart,
Solace in her soft mind.
She pays no heed to the callous gaze of the world,
For turning the pages is more romantic.

Dancing in the drizzle with no trouble in her wild heart,
Singing in the sunshine with no chaos in her soft mind,
She is dazzling romanticism in this tainted tapestry.
She is a gold thread in this tapestry.

Callous eyes were still staring at her, and she winked at them with her smile,
Eyes soften under her beautiful smile,
Her wild heart is staccato against their prejudices,
And they feel it.
The warmth and tenderness.
Alas, the tainted tapestry is brought to light.

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