In that moment of breeze,
I was searching for you.
Searching for my colors.But you were dancing amid tulip's sway,
in somebody's arm.
White lilies paint you with an enchanted radiance,
Smile dueting with your wavy hair,
I was smiling too.Smiling at you, with a clenched heart.
My eyes remain filled with memories of you,
As you dance with him, fond and true
But was he there in those moments?
The moments, that are defined by romance, are in every crook and hook.Was he dancing with you in that pouring rain?
Was he climbing through the windows, every night?
Was he kissing your forehead?
Was he the one who talked and texted with you day and night?I think...
It's just me caught in the memories chain,
refusing to let go, that love remains.Perhaps, I should walk out of the meadow of our past.
I don't define this moment as romance, love, breaking up, or moving on.
This is an epiphany.
The epiphany.Halsey
PoetryFor the souls who are in search of life in writings and drown themselves in darkness. Just some of my random writings, in no particular genre or order... I do not authorise this book to be published anywhere but Wattpad. If this book is published o...