CHAPTER 11: Confession

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The next day, Bai Yin is already gone and Bai Ying is already taking a bath.

The scent woke up the groggy Blaze who felt something sore on his nape that made him wince a bit. He looked up and saw everyone still sound asleep except for a certain young man who is taking a short nap while soaking himself in the scented water.

Bai Yang washed his body then his hair that Blaze find enchanting. He can feel drops of blood flowing out from his nose that he immediately wiped off while still watching his mate beautifully taking a bath inside the tub.

The bathroom actually divided by a see through screen that somehow placed in there by Bai Ying who don't actually mind to be seen because for him, what his companion have, he also have them. The bedroom are also blocked from the outer prying eyes by a screen that is why it's easy for them to take a change of clothes. While the kitchen and dining table are in one place that is near the other bathroom that Sebastian arranged. And there is a small and simple tea table that welcomes the ones that are entering the tent which seldom being used.

Bai Ying reached out for his robe that failed to conceal his body because it sticks on his wet skin but like usual, he don't really mind. He dried his lower body and then wore his undergarment and changed the wet robe into a new one and then get out from the bathroom and walked straight to the closet which he chose a set of white robe he usually uses in the Heaven Realm (as if he have other choice) that his mother picked to be brought into his luggage for this trip. He arranged his hair after drying it and tying half of it and made into a small bun and locking it with his little crown and it's hairpin. He let the rest of his hair flow down on his back to his waist and then put his accessories and ended with his ear cuff that covers almost his whole ear except his earlobe that showed his majestic side that made Blaze hitch his breath.

Bai Ying turned to Blaze's direction and smiled. "Good morning, Ze'er." He said before proceeding to the kitchen to take out the breakfast he prepared before taking a bath.

Blaze blushed after hearing the endearment Bai Ying used to him. He unconsciously put his hand on his chest where his heart is in and smiled genuinely before he decided to clean up his face before trying to fix the robe based on how Bai Ying fixed it last night and then joined his mate to the dining room.

The others are also starting to wake up and also started their morning routine to be able to catch up with the breakfast.

"Uhmm. Good morning." Blaze timidly greeted Bai Ying.

Bai Ying looked at Blaze and then patted the seat beside him. Blaze, like an obedient dog took a sit beside Bai Ying. He sighed first before he finally decided to speak.

"I-I will introduce you to my people. Whatever they say about you or maybe rejections or complaints, I will definitely protect you! Though... I know that I am now the weakest among us three... I will still—"

"I understand. Thank you Ze'er." Bai Ying said with his sweetest genuine smile he can manifest.

Blaze blushed once again and then while fidgeting, he asked, "what can I call you?"

"Call me the way Tian'er calls me. Ying'er." Bai Ying replied with his smile still on his lips.

"Ying-Ying'er..." Blaze repeated it, letting the beautiful name roll on his tongue. He somehow tasted something sweet as if he was given a sweet treat just only by saying his mate's name. It makes Blaze's heart flutter and send all the warmth his body may have to his face, creating a beautiful red blush.

"That's right. Anyways, I know you and Tian'er already talked about the marking ceremony. I will let you do what you desire in that note. I may not be the perfect partner you may have, but I am confident that I am powerful enough to protect you all. So think... I'll give you enough time to think whether you accept me or n—"

"I won't reject you!" Blaze suddenly stood up that surprised Bai Ying but he kept his composure while waiting for Blaze to finish his sentence.

"I've been waiting for years that someone out there will claim to be my mate! Waiting for a partner that will accept me even if it's fake. I am way too strong for the others to claim and be accepted but after knowing Sebastian and you, I realized that I am weak! I am so lonely despite sitting on the throne of the strongest while wearing that title that is also the reason why I am still alone. I've been waiting for the day that finally granted more than two weeks ago! I am also scared that you will reject me because compared to you and Sebastian, and maybe the others that are about to come, I am the weakest! I have no right at all, because even before you arrived, I've been loving you since the beginning!" Blaze said with a face full of desperation, melancholy and at the same time, happiness, and love that shocked everyone who witnessed his confession.

But what surprised them more is not Blaze's red face and confession, but the laughter of the one he just confessed. Blaze is dumbfounded but a glint of something possessiveness sparked in the black eyes of Bai Ying.

Bai Ying stood up and approached Blaze. With his long slender finger, he leveled their gazes as he whispered, "once I marked you, there is no room for you to go back to your previous life. Until the next lives, you and the others will be mine."

Sebastian gulped and smiled. He rushed behind his mate and hugged him behind. Blaze who once staring at Bai Ying with dumbfounded expression, smiled as his face blushed once again as he replied with, "I am yours."

Natsu and Fuyo who are watching from the sideline sighed in happiness for their Alpha. At last, he found his Luna. But they really doubt that Bai Ying will be the Luna because after all, their Alpha's mate is stronger than the two kings combined.

But no one realized that there is more than meets the eye to that certain mate of the two kings because after all, he is the God of Balance.

After eating their scrumptious breakfast, Bai Ying called for Blaze and asked for Sebastian for support. Sebastian have a hunch what's going to happen but the having a hunch and witnessing the reality is different.

Because that very day, Blaze was marked to be Bai Ying's second mate.


To be Continued...



Sebastian: I didn't know that you think of Ying'er in that way! You peeping Tom!! *Wiped off his nosebleed*

Blaze: heh! Don't talk as if you didn't got hard the first time you camped with him! *Blush*

Sebastian: what?! Who told you that?! *Blush*

Blaze: *smirk* her...

Sebastian: *looked at the Author's direction*

Author: huh? I-I'm innocent!! *Hid behind Bai Ying*  A'Ying! Save me!!

Bai Ying: so... It's true you peeped on me? *Smile*

Sebastian and Blaze: *gulped*

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