CHAPTER 23: Dream of a Dream Seer

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Ellis's POV

Dream Seer, we are the ones who receives divinations through our dreams. Sometimes, it's predictions, warning and even... prophecies.

I became a High Priest aside from being the adopted prince due to that. I am being praised by everyone but deep inside of me, I am looking for something, someone to fill the gap of my existence... my other half.

And at that fateful night, I finally received a prophecy. Not for the Elf King, the twisted Crown Prince, or the Elf Kingdom but... for myself.

~ • ~

He is called Balance,
The one most beloved by the One;
He who can make everything in peace,
Or even to create chaos just by a word of his.

He who is the most powerful prince,
Who will bring you an eternal bliss;
But if you anger this little cub,
A pack of dragons will eat you up.

Hear thee little Elf, for this chance to grant your wish have come,
Love the little mate of yours despite being the third or the fourth one.

~ • ~

As I open my eyes, a smile crept on my face. As I felt my heart beat fast and loud that is enough for me to catch my breath and deliver red tint of blush on my face. It must be strange for those who found me that morning. But the infamous cold High Priest is already gone for good starting today.

I rushed to request an audience to my adopted father— the Elf King. He granted it that I find unusual myself. And when I reached the place in front of him, I placed my hand on my left chest where my heart is in and bowed my head with so much respect and regality that I could offer to the great king.

"Are you here to as Ellis or as the High Priest?" He asked.

Coming here as Ellis means that I want to and need to talk to him as his son. But coming here as the High Priest means that I am here in front of him as his subordinate. And I want to be heard by him as the former that brought a smile on my lips.

"Your majesty is indeed wise. To reply to your question: I am here as Ellis." I replied that made him smile.

He descended from his throne and then approached me. He opened his arms that I accepted with whole heart. I sighed in delight then separated myself from him. He looked at me with questioning eyes but I only replied him with the prophecy given to me in my dreams.

Surprisingly, he just smiled and chuckle a bit. I was about to ask but he only given me a little hint to identify my mate.

"Start to review the books about the Heaven Realm Royal Family. Maybe... just maybe... you will be able to find 'him'." He said before leaving me alone with a wide eyes and tears from my eyes.

I didn't know what to say but I rushed to my room where my books are stacked according to its category. And as I am browsing through the books of the mysterious royal family, I finally found it.

~ • ~

Name: Bai Ying
Title: God of Balance / The Heaven Realm Crown Prince
Mark: Golden Dragon
Description: He is said to be the most loved by the Creator and also the most powerful royal family member in the Royal Family's history. He is also the most beautiful man in his generation.

~ • ~

I covered my mouth as a gasp escaped from it. I run my finger across his name as the vague poem of prophecy kept on ringing in my head.

"My other half... my soulmate." I murmured.

One month have passed already and I started to become restless. I think, the Elf King noticed it and ordered me to go to the Werewolf Kingdom as an envoy with the four figureheads. But I know, he is doing this because and for me.

And when we finally met each other. He got angry at me while at the same time, acknowledging me as his third mate. But who would have thought that the twisted Crown Prince of the Elf Kingdom and also entitled as the Fallen God of Life and the current Necromancer came and forcefully marked Bai Ying in front of me.

I am shocked and it's a lie if I say I am not angry. And the last line of the prophecy hit me. 'Is this it's meaning?'

It's clear that Bai Ying didn't see this coming. But the Creator who gave me the prophecy surely knows that this will happen.

I want to blame my adopted brother. I want to get angry at him because he caused excruciating pain for Bai Ying. But I know that it will be useless because I know full well the history between them and with another third party. I also know how important Duan Luan is to Bai Ying.

And after telling the tale to the other two mates of Bai Ying...

"What does he learn? Is it something that will push someone to the dark path?" Sebastian asked after hearing the story.

I shrugged my shoulder at that and replied, "no one knows. All I know is that it connects to how crazy he is about Bai Ying."

They all went silent but Blaze broke it with a complaint.

"Stop that!"

"Stop what?" I asked.

"You sound so distant!"

"What do you mean?"

Sebastian sighed and then take over, "Ying'er acknowledged you so you have the right to call him with the endearment we are always using: Ying'er. He will not like it if you call him like that."

My eyes grew wide after hearing that. And the memories started to rush in my mind. And just by that, I cannot stop myself from tearing up as the realization finally hit me.

"I finally found my mate." I cried.

And when his mother urged me to be marked and to mark Ying'er, I feel so lightheaded. And when I marked him as he marked me and the warmth of his mark spread over my body, no one will ever describe how complete I am to finally found my mate, my other half, and my beloved.


To be Continued...



Author: Do you know that the original plot of your first meet with Bai Ying is a bit... uhmmm...

Ellis: A bit what?

Author: A bit unpleasant for the other two?

Sebastian and Blaze: What do you mean by that?!

Author: Well, because I planned that you will continuously bicker like husband and wife usually does, I was planning to separate you three before and Ellis finding Bai Ying and keeping him away from you...

Sebastian and Blaze: *gulped*

Ellis: Well, I don't really mind at least I finally met Ying'er.

Author: ...

Sebastian and Blaze: ...

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