CHAPTER 24: Mission: Bring Down The Human Emperor

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"Be careful with the seven devils. Now that Luan'er— their puppet got out from their control because of me, they will start to wreck havoc. I will do my best to finish my mission here and train my mates to be able to help here in the upcoming war I predicted to happen in... three years." Bai Ying said and then turned to the blonde man and smiled. "It's been a long time... Yong-Ge. I can now see that you are doing well. And if I predict it right, what I just said is what the prophecy stated in the scroll you are holding. Am I right?"

The tall man who was called Yong-Ge nodded his head while holding back his tears.

"Since... when?" He asked almost a whisper.

"When Luan'er marked me. My longest sleep." Bai Ying simply said and before disappearing, he added, "let's talk after I return."


Bai Ying's POV

As I opened my eyes, I am finally back in the Lower Realm.

I am being guarded by my four mates which I find it cute. Yeah, I love cute things and aside to the little goblins and little cubs in Tian'er and Ze'er's places, these mates of mine are way cuter than them.

Oh! I think I didn't get a chance to meet the little spirits here though. What a pity.

"I think... they finally met." I heard Luan'er said.

I closed my eyes and pretended to be in a state of spiritual consciousness and listened to them. Though I know it's a bit rude, but I want to listen to what they are going to say.

"What do you mean? Who meet who?" I heard Blaze asked.

I heard Sebastian click his tongue and a smack on something. I guess he smacked Blaze's head again. Well, even though I want to laugh at that, I can only shake my head in helplessness. They knew each other better though.

"Guan YongZhong." One name only is needed to open my eyes. But I guess they are still unaware of me waking up.

"It's my fault that Ying'er forgot him. I don't even have the face to face him. I am a sinner. If I didn't get in their way, they would have got married already without Ying'er being exposed to the Lower Realm. It's my—"

"Yong-Ge doesn't blame you." I blurted out.

I'm already done with it. I am already sick of him blaming himself to the sin he didn't intentionally committed. Forgetting Yong-Ge must be the will of fate so, why is he always blaming himself despite of the fact that the one who forgot and forgotten didn't even utter any blame to him?

I stood up from the bed and approached him. I can feel eyes on me, but it will not harm me at all so, I didn't care at all.

"Stop blaming yourself too much, Luan'er. It's not your fault for me to forgot Yong-Ge." I sighed and then got off from the bed and before I entered my bathroom, I paused and turned my head slightly and said, "if you will continuously talk like that, don't expect me to talk with you again."

I know that it's bad for me to do that. But I also want Luan'er to forgive himself to all the sins he committed. Because from the very start, until now... I didn't blame him at all. No one and no will.

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