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A.N: Hello there once again!

I know that it's still early but I would like to ask for your votes...




For what?


For the NEXT BL STORY that I will write!


I would like to explore the BL WORLD for a bit more time...

There are genres or plot goals I wrote. And I am still thinking about it.

You can also suggest some that aren't here~~ feel free to do so...

Well, if you ask me about FANFICTION, I still don't know but I guess I will do so if I was given a chance or maybe a STRONG INSPIRATION.



Alpha and Beta
• Prince and Underling
• Guide and Sentinel
• Mafia Lord and Police General
• #1 and #2
• Top and Bottom
• School President and School Bad Boy
• Straight and Gay
• Wolf and Vampire
• Angel and Demon
• Male Harem
• King and General of the Enemy Country
• Two Important Figures Meet for Peace Treaty of their own Country
• Master and Butler
• Assassin and Assassinator
• Knight and Mage
• Professor and Student
• Neighborhood
• High Priest and Atheist

More suggestions or maybe questions can be commented here ➡️➡️➡️

That's all~~

Well for fanfic... I guess I plan for Enstars, KNB, Haikyuu, or Free and Blue Lock.

Help me decide guys~~



To be Continued...

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