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A/N: In The Prince's Mates there is a total of Three Realms in total.



THE HEAVEN REALM this is the
realm where our precious MC
was born. In this place, you
can see various Divine Beasts,
Angels, Gods & Goddesses
and also the Creator of all
living and non-living things.
The one that leads them
is called Supreme God which
Bai Wang is sitting. But he
only places in the Order
of Angels as a Principalities.
Well, Bai Ying is not like him
though. Because he places
higher than even the Seraphims.

THE DEMON REALM is the place where
Duan Luan once stayed. Like the typical
Hells, this realm is filled with devils,
monsters, and more. The only reason
why there are such vampires and
werewolves in the Lower Realm is
because of the Untold Story of
Rebellion that once commend that
caused a fraction of demons such as
Sebastian, Blaze and his people to leave
the Demon Realm for the Lower Realm.

LOWER REALM on the other hand is
where Humans and Elves and more
are living. Some of them or maybe
more of them have low mortality
rate than their ancestors. But because
of some sort of slow to fast
evolutions, and tainted beliefs as well
their original long timespan shortened.



The time setting here is in between of the Lower Realm, Demon Realm and Heaven Realm.

The Heaven and Demon Realms have a time setting of 1:1.

What do I mean?

It means they have the same time setting which is like 1 year in Heaven Realm is 1 year as well in the Demon Realm.

While the Lower Realm is different to the.

The time between the Heaven Realm and Lower Realm is 1:10.

What does it mean?

1 year in the Heaven Realm means 10 years to the Lower Realm. And that is where the ages of the characters will be explained.



Like what I said earlier... there is two types of characters in the TPM.

Mortal and Immortals

Mortal people are mostly the Humans. Well, I already told you the reasons, right?

I'll skip that.

While Immortals are like Bai Ying, Blaze, Sebastian, Duan Luan and more. In short, they are the natives of Heaven Realm and Demon Realm.

There is two ages in here which is MA or Mortal Age and IA or Immortal Age.

Well Mortal Age means it is what the others sees you. Or maybe, what your appearance looks like.

They look young, y'know? Especially Bai Ying who once thought to be 15 but actually 170 IA old already.

Immortal Age on the other hand is how long you lived already.

Well, it's kinda confusing, right?

Well, you can say that...

Bai Ying looks like 17 but actually he is already 170 years old.



Another thing about the Age Setting is that in the Heaven Realm and Demon realm...

When a person reached 1,000 and above— which is actually a lot— you will be considered as a senior already.

But in case of the Bai Family, it's only a number.


Because for example...

Bai Ying already reached the level to be on par with the Seven Devils the very day he was born.

Well, this is a fantasy though. Everything is possible.

And with that early achievements, no one will and will not dare to disrespect him despite of his young age.






Bai Ying: 170
Sebastian: 205
Blaze: 200





Duan Luan: 188
Ellis: 193
Xiao QingBo: 181
Guan YongZhong: 225
The Demon God: ???


A/N: And that is all, folks!!

Well, I don't know if there will be more of members in the harem because while looking at my plot in my notes, there are a lot of potential candidates ~~

I know you have your dose of spoilers since I already posted their pictures tho... But I guess, it's okay now... You only need their story to unfold~~

See you again~~


To be Continued...

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