CHAPTER 3: Bai Yang [Updated]

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The noble elders decided to stop their greedy thoughts already after what the Shadow elder just said. They also decided how they will accommodate Bai Ying while staying in their Kingdom. 

"Your majesty, I guess we deserve to know your side in this. We don't even know how we will treat the Young Bai." The Ogre elder stated that the others nodded their heads in agreement. 

Every head turned to the confused face of Sebastian. They furrowed their eyebrows to see that their king is troubled like this and the source is none other than Bai Ying himself... or maybe... himself? 

"We will change the question, your majesty." The Succubus elder started and asked, "why did you invite him here?" 

"You usually held meetings like this like... once in a blue moon. You also rarely attending gatherings and any social events. You also have the habit of not inviting anyone in your palace except of course these line of elders and your servants. But why did you invited a newly descended immortal from who knows where he came from?" The Incubus elder asked that surprised everyone because... he rarely become decent at all! 

"What do you feel about little Bai?" The Serpent elder asked straightforwardly. 

Everyone hitched their breath after the question fell. 

"I don't know." Sebastian said that earned a lot of suspicion in the circle. 

"Do you feel your soul being pulled by an invisible string to him?" The Shadow elder asked. 

'Ah!' Everyone thought except of course the Shadow elder and the dense Sebastian. They already figured it out and cannot help but to feel a bit of happiness, grief, and extreme sadness— mainly from the recently drooling Incubi and the lovestruck Succubi. 

"H-how do you know that?" Sebastian asked in a surprised tone. 

'Dang it!' The two who fell head over heels to Bai Ying cursed internally. 

The remaining elders sighed and then the Shadow elder finally proceeded. "Mate." 

"What do you mean by that?!" Sebastian asked with a red face. Little by little, he finally realizes it all and his heart is beating more frantically than before. 

"Immortal Bai Ying is your mate. And based on the statement he said that you shared with us, you are the one he is looking for." The Shadow elder said. 

"But why do I feel a bit suspicious about this? If he descended to search for you, then why aren't he and you still not returning to his homeland?" The Witch elder asked while holding her chin. 

Everyone also did the action of the Witch elder when suddenly... 

"Did you mark him? Or maybe he marked you?" The Serpent elder asked. 

"But why do I feel that it's not only about marking?" The Incubus elder asked that made the problem return back to zero. 

But their questions were answered finally by the soft voice from the little goblin that was called cute by Bai Ying. 

"Maybe because you are not the only mate?" 

This troubled the elders more. Especially Sebastian who is in question. 

"But having more than one mate is very rare unless..." 

"Unless the person in question is extremely blessed and loved by the Creator." They all turned their heads to the source, and found someone a bit similar to Bai Ying except of course the big bulge on her chest. She is holding a guqin while sitting in a lotus position. Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, she disappeared from the entrance and then reappeared in the middle of the long table. 

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