Chapter 4 Suspected

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Vince had suspected Brian was a cop, so he asked Dom to meet him at the junkyard. Well, Lotty wasn't going to let Dom go by himself unprotected. After arguing with him, he finally agreed to let her come with him. They stood together in the shadows. Vince dragged Brian to them after knocking him out with the butt of his shotgun.

Brian groans as he drops him to the ground. "He moans like a cop," Vince states, pointing its end to Brian. Dom stepped out of the shadows with Lotty beside him.

"Brian, this is one of those times when you need to be very clear about what you say," Dom said in a low voice. "Nod, if you understand me," Brian looked up at Vince, holding the gun pointed at him and holding his hands up.

"Nod!" Vince yelled at him. Brian looked over at Dom, his chest heaving as he nodded frantically.

"Sit up," Dom ordered."Tell me what the hell you're doin' down here,"

Brian quickly leaned up as Dom crossed his arms in front of him. Lotty wanted to trust Brian. She really did. But after finding him snooping around Hector's shop her faith in him fell fast. Brian's hand went to the back of his head where Vince had hit him and held it.

"Oh, shit. What I'm donin'?" He pants as Vince pokes him with the barrel of his gun. "Dom, I owe-- I owe you a 10-second car. And what this is about, this is about Race Wars,"

Vince kicked Brian over, pointing the gun at him. "I just went in there, and Hector is gonna be runnin' three Honda Civics with Spoon engines. And on top of that, he just came into Harry's, and he ordered three T-66 turbos, with NOS, and a MoTeC system exhaust," Brian listed off.

Lotty's eyes widened at the order. Vince looked at Dom and Lotty. "So what are you saying? You're gonna go around and check everybody's shit out, one garage after another?"

Brian nodded. "Yeah," He got up, holding his hands up. "Because Dom, you know... I can't lose again," He panted.

"He's a cop," Vince insisted. "He's a cop!"

Dom walked around looking at him as Lotty crossed her arms over her chest, looking at Brian. He seemed to be telling the truth, but not all of it.

"You a cop?" Dom asked.

Brian shook his head. Dom nodded. "Let's go for a little ride,"

Dom nodded to Lotty to follow him. She sighed as she walked past Brian, giving him a small smile, following Dom. Vince and Brian followed behind the pair. Dom got Jesse to drive them all to T&K Foodmarket, where Johnny Tran and his crew have their garage. Lotty rids up front with Jesse while the three grown men squeeze into the back. Dom was not going to have his girl ride beside someone he suspected to be a cop. Hell, he didn't even want her coming a long tonight but somehow--like she always does-- convinced him to let her come. He was weak when it came to Lotty.

Lotty got out of the car as the boys did. Dom walked over to the driver's window and peered in at Jesse. "All right, kid, stand watch,"

"You got this, Jes," Lotty encouraged.

Dom was about to help Lotty over the fence when she surprised him by pulling herself over and sticking the landing. Dom smirked as he followed her over, as did Brian and Vince. Lotty climbed up the ladder first, with Dom following her up. Vince climbed up after then Brian. Lotty waited for Dom on top of the roof in a crouched position. Once Dom was up, he placed a hand on her lower back and led them across the roof. 

"Keep low," He whispered to her as they ran to one of the skylights. They squatted next to the middle one waiting on Vince and Brian to come over before opening it. Dom went down first then Lotty her feet hitting the hood of the raised car. Dom waited for her helping her down off the vehicle as Vince and Brian followed after. Lotty took out her flashlight she stowed away in the pocket of her leather jacket as Dom pulled his out as they began looking around the garage.

"Yo, Dominic, Lotty," Vice said. Dom and Lotty quickly hurried over to the car they were looking at. "There's no engines,"

"What are they plannin' on racin' with?" Dom asked, looking down.

"Hopes and dreams?" Lotty shrugged. "Lots of hopes and dreams,"

"I don't know, but I know they're sneaky as shit, and they've got enough money to buy anything," Vince stated. Dom's phone beeps as he looks down at it. 

"What, Jes," Lotty looked at him as she turned off her flashlight. "Alright, we got company, Spilner!" Dom grabbed Lotty's hand as the lights came on. They quickly ran to the back of the garage as Brian quickly made his way over to them. They all hid behind the cars in the back, hoping that this wouldn't end in a showdown.

Dom pulls out the revolver he brought, pulling Lotty to his side. Motorcycles, followed by cars, pulled into the opening in the garage. Vince pulls out his handgun, cocking it, and he slides it over to Lotty, who picks it up, holding it like how Dom and Neal taught her. Pulling out another, he readies it as he kept an eye on Lance and Johnny. They pulled out a white middle age white male from the car, pushing him. 

"Come on. Move!" Lance yelled, pointing his gun at the man.

"Let me ask you a question, Ted," Johnny said. "Do you see anything wrong here?"

Ted shook his head. "No,"

Johnny walked up to him, cupping the back of his neck; he brought Ted's head down to look into the car that they had just been looking in. "We got no engines, do we?"

"No!" Ted yells.

"Do we?" Johnny asked again. Lotty peaked around the car, watching them.

"No!" He answered.

Johnny pulled Ted back up, pushing him away. "A couple of Nissan SR20 motors will pull a premium one week before Race Wars, huh?"

"Yeah, probably," Ted nodded.

"You're a smart fence, Ted. Maybe too smart," Johnny questions as he removes his leather jacket. "What are you feelin', Lance? Forty weight? Fifty weight?" Jonny questions as he sits down his coat.

"A forty weight sounds nice," Lance answered, still holding the gun to Ted's head.

Johnny forces Ted to the ground beside the oil pumps, and instantly Lotty knows what the man will do. Lance hands Johnny the hose as he forces the end of it into Ted's mouth. Holding the gun to Ted's head, Lance pumped the bar, and oil started pumping into his mouth. Ted groans as Lotty looks away from the sight. Maybe she should have stayed home, or at least with Jesse. Dom looked over at Lotty and touched her bent knee, rubbing it as he looked back to the front.

"Where are they, Ted?" Johnny asked. "Where are they?"

"Enough!" Ted got out.

"Where are they?" Johnny repeated.

"They're in a warehouse," Ted responded. "They're in a warehouse, man!" He groans, spiting up the oil he consumed. Ted coughs and groans as he gets onto all fours and throws up. Oil covers his shirt as he leans up on his knees.

"Ted," Johnny said. "Kiss my shoes?"

Lance points the gun at him, telling him to do it or he'll shoot him. Ted crawls over to Johnny's shoes, still recovering from the oil intake. Johnny kicks Ted hard in the stomach to send Ted backward onto his back. Ted holds his stomach groaning as Johnny throws the red rag at Ted.

"Let's go get our engines," Johnny tells his crew.

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